
Benchmarking for IPFS

MIT License


js-ipfs Benchmarks CircleCI

This is a set of benchmarks tests to track js-ipfs Benchmarks in a Grafana Dashboard.


The IPFS team needs a historical view of various performance metrics around js-ipfs and how it compares to the reference implementation written in go. This project implements benchmark tests for js-ipfs and publishes the results in a dashboard. The artifacts are also made available on the IPFS network. Over time the historical view will expose how js-ipfs is hopefully approaching the go implementation and which areas need improvement.

The goal is to provide immediate feedback and long-term tracking around performance to developers and the community with an extremely low barrier. The CI system integrating code changes will trigger benchmark runs as well a scheduled run every night. Each run will provide a URL where the results will be visible.

This project also provides a possibility to run tests locally on a development version of js-ipfs. Developers can then examine individual output files before submitting code to the community.

Documentation Index

Benchmarks on the web

The dashboard is available at and can be viewed without a user account. A Continuous Integration server can trigger benchmark runs using the endpoint exposed on A commit from the js-ipfs repository can be supplied to run the benchmarks against. An api key is also required to be able to trigger a run. Please check Runner docs on how to configure an api key for the runner. An example invocation using curl is provided below.

> curl -XPOST -d '{"commit":"adfy3hk"}' \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "x-ipfs-benchmarks-api-key: <api-key>" \

The response provides links to the output produced by the benchmark tests:


For more details about the dashboard see the Grafana doc.


Clone Benchmark tests and install:

>  git clone
>  cd benchmarks/runner
>  npm install
>  cd ../tests
>  npm install

Generate test files

The files are defined in fixtures.

> npm run generateFiles

Add test files

Here is the file object for a single test:

{ size: KB, name: 'OneKBFile' }

To add multiple test files add a count property:

{ size: KB, name: 'OneHundredKBFile', count: 100 }

Run tests locally

From the benchmarks/tests directory:

> node local-add
> node local-extract
> node local-transfer

Run all benchmarks:

> npm run benchmark

Create a pre-generated key:

> node util/create-privateKey


Use env variable FILESET to run test just against that specific set of file(s). Options of FILESET are defined in the config.

> FILESET="One64MBFile" node local-add


Use env variable VERIFYOFF=true to skip the pre-generation of test files.

> VERIFYOFF=true node local-add

Run tests locally on a js-ipfs branch

Inside the benchmarks/tests dir is a script to pull down master branch and install:

> ./ ../

Directory structure now :

├── benchmarks
├──── js-ipfs
├──── tests

Run tests against branch

> cd benchmarks/tests
> STAGE=local REMOTE=true node local-add


Below is a list of optional flags used by the tests to run a specific strategy or transport module in Libp2p.

  • -s DAG strategy (balanced | trickle)
  • -t Transport (tcp | ws)
  • -m Stream muxer (mplex, spdy)
  • -e Connection encryption (secio)

Adding new tests



Results will be written to out directory under benchmarks/tests

  • name: Name of test
  • warmup: Flag for if we warm up db
  • description: Description of benchmark
  • fileSet: Set of files to be used in a test
  • date: Date of benchmark
  • file: Name of file used in benchmark
  • meta.project: Repo that are benchmarked
  • meta.commit: Commit used to trigger benchmark
  • meta.version: Version of js-ipfs
  • duration.s: The number of seconds for benchmark
  • The number of millisecs the benchmark took
  • cpu: Information about cpu benchmark was run on
  • loadAvg: The load average of machine


Copyright (c) Protocol Labs, Inc. under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details.