
Jupiter Widget library for BRAT visualization and annotation functionality.

MIT License



$brat-widget is a Jupiter Widget library for BRAT visualization and text annotation. This is an extension of original BRAT, an intuitive web-based tool for text annotation supported by Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology.


  • Comprehensive visualization
  • Intuitive Annotation Interface
  • High-quality Annotation Visualisation
  • Always saved, always up to date
  • Fully configurable
  • NLP Technology Integration


BRAT has been developed for rich structured annotation for a variety of NLP tasks and aims to support manual curation efforts and increase annotator productivity using NLP techniques. $brat-widget is implemented using Jupyter Notebook technology with the intention of create and share documents that contain embedded code and execution results to help the annotators to gain skills on NLP and Corpus that they need. It has been implemented using a client-server architecture with communication over HTTP using JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). The server is a RESTful web service and the tool can easily be extended or adapted to switch out the server or client.


For development purposes, you need npm 3.10 and node.js 6.11 installed, and some python packages than can be see it in the following list of steps using virtualenv as package-enviroment manager.

Install $brat-widget by running:

virtualenv -p python3 env
source ./env/bin/activate
pip install ipywidgets
pip install jupyterlab
jupyter nbextension enable --py widgetsnbextension --sys-prefix
pip install twine

The easiest way to star playing with the widget is using the script that is included in this project. Assuming that you have your virtualenv environment already activated (the second step in the list above source ./env/bin/activate), you have the following options:

  • ./ -c: clear all the npm installations made previously, prepare the
    brad-widget python package from the scratch, and install it.
  • ./ -s: prepare the brad-widget python package (previously downloaded
    javascript packages are reused), install it, and start jupyter notebook.
  • ./ -s -c or ./ -sc: clear all the npm installations made previously,
    prepare the brad-widget python package from the scratch, install it, and start jupyter notebook.
  • ./ -d -c or ./ -dc: clear all the npm installations made previously,
    prepare the brad-widget python package from the scratch, install it, and start jupyter notebook in such a way
    that any change to js file will be reflected in the UI.


Once $brat-widget installed, a new browser window (or a new tab) is started showing the Notebook Dashboard. A sort of control panel that allows (among other things) to select which notebook to open.

Now, you can navigate through web interface tree and select Notebooks folder. There in you can run the Test.ipynb notebook.

Additional actions can be performed:

  • You can run the notebook document step-by-step (one cell a time) by pressing shift + enter.
  • You can run the whole notebook in a single step by clicking on the menu Cell -> Run All.
  • To restart the kernel (i.e. the computational engine), click on the menu Kernel -> Restart.
    This can be useful to start over a computation from scratch.


In order to generate a new package version and distribute it follow the next steps:

  • Install Twine: pip install twine
  • Packaging:
    • Optional: git add and git commit
    • jupyter labextension uninstall brat-widget
    • jupyter nbextension uninstall --sys-prefix brat_widget
    • pip uninstall -y brat-widget
    • ./
    • python build
    • cp -r ./js/brat_widget/static ./brat_widget/
    • python sdist
    • python bdist_wheel
    • Check description:
      • pip install readme_renderer
      • twine check dist/*
    • Upload distribution: twine upload dist/*
    • Upload to npm:
      • pushd js
      • git clean -fdx
      • npm install
      • npm pack
      • Optional: npm adduser
      • npm publish
      • popd
    • Optional: update (add 'dev' and increment minor)
    • Optional: git add and git commit
    • Optional: git tag -a 0.2.4 -m "comment"
    • Optional: git push
    • Optional: git push --tags



If you are having issues, please let us know. We have a mailing list located at: [email protected]


The project is licensed under the BSD license.