
A Sourcebit target plugin for Next.js

MIT License



A Sourcebit target plugin for the Next.js framework.


This plugin allows consuming content loaded by any of the Sourcebit source plugins (e.g., sourcebit-source-filesystem, sourcebit-source-contentful , sourcebit-source-sanity) inside Next.js pages using getStaticProps and getStaticPaths methods.

  1. When Next.js starts, it loads Sourcebit and runs its fetch() method that executes Sourcebit plugins.
  2. A Sourcebit source plugin loads the content from a CMS or a file-system.
  3. The sourcebit-target-next plugin caches the loaded content and saves it inside the .sourcebit-nextjs-cache.json file.
  4. When Next.js renders a page, it calls getStaticProps and getStaticPaths methods. These methods call
    the sourcebitDataClient.getData() method to load the content cached inside the .sourcebit-nextjs-cache.json file and
    reduce it according to the needs of a particular page.


  1. Install the main sourcebit package, this sourcebit-target-next plugin, and one of the Sourcebit "source" plugins to fetch your content (e.g., sourcebit-source-filesystem, sourcebit-source-contentful, sourcebit-source-sanity, or create your own).

    npm install sourcebit sourcebit-target-next sourcebit-source-filesystem
  2. Create sourcebit.js configuration file in the root of your Next.js project:

    const path = require('path');
    const isDev = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development';
    module.exports = {
        plugins: [
             * The `sourcebit-source-filesystem` plugin reads content files from the provided `options.sources` folders,
             * and generates an array of objects that is passed to the subsequent plugins.
                module: require('sourcebit-source-filesystem'),
                options: {
                    watch: isDev,
                    sources: [
                        { name: 'pages', path: path.join(__dirname, 'content/pages') },
                        { name: 'data', path: path.join(__dirname, 'content/data') }
             * If needed, add more plugins to transform the data
            ({ data }) => {
                return {
                    objects: => {
                        // ... trasnform the objects
                        return object;
             * The `sourcebit-target-next` plugin receives the data generated by `sourcebit-source-filesystem` plugin,
             * and stores it in `.sourcebit-nextjs-cache.json` file.
                module: require('sourcebit-target-next'),
                options: {
                    liveUpdate: isDev,
                    flattenAssetUrls: true
  3. Wrap the config exported in next.config.js in the following way:

    const withSourcebit = require('sourcebit').sourcebitNext();
    module.exports = withSourcebit({
        // ... next.js config ...

    The withSourcebit function loads the sourcebit.js config file and runs sourcebit.fetch(config) method for you, before starting the Next.js server. If you want to control the process yourself, you can load the sourcebit config and call fetch() manually:

    const sourcebit = require('sourcebit');
    const sourcebitConfig = require('./sourcebit.js');
  4. To consume data fetched by Sourcebit and cached by sourcebit-target-next, import the sourcebitDataClient from sourcebit-target-next and call its getData() method inside getStaticPaths and getStaticProps methods. You can use one of the __metadata properties added by sourcebit-source-filesystem to generate props needed for a particular page.

    • If a page does not use dynamic routes, then it should call the getData() method from getStaticProps to load the cached data and compute the props specific to that page:

      // src/pages/about.js
      import { sourcebitDataClient } from 'sourcebit-target-next';
      export async function getStaticProps() {
          const data = await sourcebitDataClient.getData();
          const props = data.objects.find((object) => object?.__metadata?.relSourcePath === '')
          return { props };
    • If a page does use dynamic routes, e.g., src/pages/[[...slug]].js, then it should have both the getStaticPaths and the getStaticProps methods. Use getData() in getStaticPaths to generate paths for all your pages, and then in getStaticProps to compute props for a particular page according to the slug parameter.

      // src/pages/[[...slug]].js
      import { sourcebitDataClient } from 'sourcebit-target-next';
      export async function getStaticPaths() {
          const data = await sourcebitDataClient.getData();
          const paths = data.objects
              // find objects loaded from the "pages" folder (__metadata.sourceName === "pages")
              .filter((object) => object?.__metadata?.sourceName === 'pages')
              // map the file path to the page url, e.g.: '' => '/about'
              .map((object) => urlPathFromFilePath(object?.__metadata?.relSourcePath))
          return { paths };
      export async function getStaticProps() {
          const urlPath = '/' + (params?.slug || []).join('/');
          const data = await sourcebitDataClient.getData();
          // find the objects corresponding to the requested page
          const props = data.objects.find((object) => urlPathFromFilePath(object?.__metadata?.relSourcePath) === urlPath);
          return { props };
  5. When working locally, you might want the browser to automatically reflect any content changes. To do that, wrap your pages with the following higher order component:

    import { withRemoteDataUpdates } from 'sourcebit-target-next/with-remote-data-updates';
    class Page extends React.Component {
        render() {
            // ...
    export default withRemoteDataUpdates(Page);

Sourcebit Configuration

This plugin can be configured with several options:

// sourcebit.js

const isDev = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development';

module.exports = {
    plugins: [
        // ...otherPlugins,
            module: require('sourcebit-target-next'),
            options: {
                liveUpdate: isDev,
                cacheFilePath: path.join(__dirname, '.custom-filename.json'),
                disableCache: false,
                flattenAssetUrls: true
  • liveUpdate (boolean) A flag indicating if page should reload its data when the underlying content changes.
    Defaults to true when NODE_ENV is set to development.
  • cacheFilePath (string) A file path for cached data, default is .sourcebit-nextjs-cache.json
  • disableCache (boolean) A flag indicating if plugin should produce the cache file. Note, if you set this flag to true
    you won't be able to use sourcebitDataClient to consume the data and will have to call sourcebit.fetch() for every page.
  • flattenAssetUrls (boolean) Some source plugins might return complex objects for linked assets. Set this flag to true
    to replace these objects with a string representing the absolute asset URL.

You can check out an example project that uses sourcebit-source-sanity and sourcebit-target-next plugins to fetch the data from and consume it inside Next.js pages.


Add following to your .gitignore:


To simplify the dynamic routing architecture and to allow greater flexibility when creating pages in Headless CMS, we advise using following pattern:


import React from 'react';
import { sourcebitDataClient } from 'sourcebit-target-next';
import { withRemoteDataUpdates } from 'sourcebit-target-next/with-remote-data-updates';
import pageLayouts from '../layouts';

class Page extends React.Component {
    render() {
        // every page can have different layout, pick the layout based on the "layout" property of the page
        const PageLayout = pageLayouts[_.get(this.props, 'page.layout')];
        return <PageLayout {...this.props} />;

export default withRemoteDataUpdates(Page);

export async function getStaticPaths() {
    const data = await sourcebitDataClient.getData();
    const paths = data.objects
        // find objects loaded from the "pages" folder (__metadata.sourceName === "pages")
        .filter((object) => object?.__metadata?.sourceName === 'pages')
        // map the file path to the page url, e.g.: '' => '/about'
        .map((object) => urlPathFromFilePath(object?.__metadata?.relSourcePath))
    return {
        fallback: false

export async function getStaticProps({ params }) {
    const urlPath = '/' + (params?.slug || []).join('/');
    const data = await sourcebitDataClient.getData();
    // find the objects corresponding to the requested page
    const props = data.objects.find((object) => urlPathFromFilePath(object?.__metadata?.relSourcePath) === urlPath);
    return { props };