The World’s Most Advanced Sandbox™ (TWMAS) is a portable sandbox designed to safely run untrusted Java bytecode


The World's Most Advanced Sandbox™

The World’s Most Advanced Sandbox™ (TWMAS) is a portable sandbox designed to safely run untrusted Java bytecode. Unlike traditional sandboxes, many of which use non-portable operating system (OS) facilities to run the untrusted code in a separate process with restricted privileges, TWMAS does not make use of the OS. Rather, it provides a way for a host Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to execute untrusted code directly, using the Java SecurityManager to block access to dangerous capabilities (Filesystem, Network, System, etc.) and instruction-rewriting in order to bound the number of bytes of memory allocated and the number of instruction executed.

A full explanation can be found here

The bulk of the functionality is in code is in src/sandbox:

The test cases can be run using Apache Ant, via ant run.