
Demo of a clear and simple way to interface Android and Arduino over a Bluetooth connection

MIT License



Demo of a clean and robust way to interface Android and Arduino devices over a Bluetooth connection.


  • Bluetooth using SoftwareSerial on Arduino
  • Separate thread for Bluetooth RX/TX in Android
  • Basic UI for connecting, disconnecting, reading, and writing
  • Exception handling for failed connections
  • Parsing of complete messages using a delimiter character
  • Forwarding of messages from USB serial to bluetooth on Arduino
  • Lots of comments


  • Android device with Bluetooth enabled.
  • Arduino with a Bluetooth module (BlueSMiRF Silver tested), wired to digital input pins.
  • Android Studio and an Arduino IDE.


  • For Android, set the MAC address of your Bluetooth module in
  • For Arduino, set the RX and TX pin numbers you wired up.
  • Load the Android app, the Arduino sketch, and hit Connect.
  • Open the Arduino Serial Monitor, set the baudrate to 19200, and use Newlines.
  • Enter a message into the serial monitor, hit enter, and it will show up next
    to "Read:" in the app.
  • Enter a message and hit Write in the app and it will show up in the
    Serial monitor.

Files to look at:

  • activity_bluetooth.xml
  • bluetooth_demo.ino


  • Bluetooth socket still fails to connect once in a while (my hardware?)
  • Can't seem to get higher than 19200 bps with SoftwareSerial
  • Connected/disconnected events in Android should have their own message types
  • Handle arbitrary data (delimiter) by implementing escaping (possibly overkill)