
Sample Eclipse project using android-gif-drawable library

MIT License



Sample Eclipse project using android-gif-drawable library made with help of user nuoyan2. It shows where to place files taken from AAR and source files inside Eclipse project structure. Latest archives can be downloaded here: latest release.

Steps to include library in Eclipse project:

  • copy pl folder from sources jar inside src folder of the Eclipse project
  • copy all contents of jni folder from AAR into libs folder of the project
  • copy proguard.txt from AAR into root folder of the project and rename it to proguard-project.txt (required only if proguard will be used)
  • copy res/values/values.xml from AAR into res/values folder of the project
  • install android support library, copy android-support-annotations.jar into libs folder of the project and add it to the build path
  • add imports for R class in files when it is missing (choose R from your package, not android one)

Additional step for versions < 1.1.10

  • in replace BuildConfig.NATIVE_LIBRARY_NAME with the "pl_droidsonroids_gif"