
Unbound DNS for Android

APACHE-2.0 License


Android Unbound DNS Build Status

Goal is to get Unbound DNS fully working with UI to configure it and system integration (replacing system DNS)

Step-By-Step Guide:

Compile Unbound DNS for Android:

  • Android NDK r12
  • Set environment variables according to your local paths
    • required vars are LOCAL_ANDROID_NDK_HOME and LOCAL_ANDROID_NDK_HOST_PLATFORM, see _setenv_android.bash file for reference
    • optional var _NO_CHECK_SIGNATURE, set to non-zero value to skip GPG signatures checking
  • Download Unbound and libraries into fetched repository
    • ./
  • Run cleanup (will remove old folders and unpack original archives)
    • ./
  • Launch the build script
    • ./
  • Collect all libraries and binaries using packaging script
    • ./
  • Final compiled binaries and libraries are put within "package" directory in build root

Compile Android application:

  • Move to Android directory
    • cd Android
  • Check that is in place
    • ls -lsa app/src/main/assets/
  • Compile android app using Gradle
    • ./gradlew clean assemble -q -S
    • ./gradlew check -q -S
  • Install Android application to connected device
    • ./gradlew installDebug

Running Unbound DNS standalone from ADB SHELL:

  • Upload the package to android device

  • adb push /data/local/tmp/
  • Get shell

  • adb shell
  • Get to package location

  • cd /data/local/tmp/
  • Expand zip archive

  • unzip
  • cd /data/local/tmp/package/bin
  • Set Environment PATH variable

  • ./
  • Setup remote control certificate

  • unbound-control-setup
  • Setup DNSSEC root key

  • unbound-anchor -h
  • If you've edited unbound.conf, check it's correct

  • unbound-checkconf
  • Run applications from bin folder

  • unbound -v -c unbound.conf
  • Check if the server is running and unbound-control set up correctly

  • unbound-control status
  • Check if the DNSSEC verification works correctly

  • unbound-host -d -C unbound.conf
Extracted from project README
Build Status