
Boilerplate BDD (Behavior driven development) mobile automation framework with example of finding element using AI capability plugin (



Boilerplate code for BDD (Behavior driven development) style mobile automation framework. It also includes example of finding element using AI capability plugin

Prerequisite before executing tests:

  1. Install test-ai-classifier plugin on your system. Follow the steps present on their page.

  2. Install appium version atleast 1.9.2-beta.2. Execute below command to install on linux (node should be installed)

    npm install -g [email protected] --unsafe-perm=true --allow-root

  3. I have configured it on mac (10.14.2) with below versions:

    node v11.4.0

BDD framework

Go through the Selenium BDD framework readme file to know about the structure. It is designed on the similar lines keeping logic, elements and tests in different files.

Running a test:

$ mvn test

How to leverage ai element finding capability in your existing framework?

  1. Install test-ai-classifier plugin on your system.

  2. Install appium version atleast 1.9.2-beta.2. Execute below command to install on linux (node should be installed).

    npm install -g [email protected] --unsafe-perm=true --allow-root

  3. Add the below dependency and repository in your pom.xml file

  4. Below are the additional capabilities that should be present while creating driver:

     // This is required capability to use with test ai classifier plugin.
     capabilities.setCapability("automationName", "UiAutomator2");
      /*This capability determines what should be the lowest confidence to consider an element.
      By default, value is 0.2. This capability should be a number between 0 and 1,
      where 1 means confidence must be perfect, and 0 means no confidence at all is required.*/
     capabilities.setCapability("testaiConfidenceThreshold", 0.1);
     /* This directs Appium to include extra information about elements while they are being found,
      which dramatically speeds up the process of getting inputs to this plugin. */
     capabilities.setCapability("shouldUseCompactResponses", false);
     // passing reference of the plugin to appium
     HashMap<String, String> customFindModules = new HashMap<>();
     customFindModules.put("ai", "test-ai-classifier");
     capabilities.setCapability("customFindModules", customFindModules);
  5. Find the elements with the below syntax:

     public By cartImageWithAI = MobileBy.custom("ai:cart");
     public By notificationImageWithAI = MobileBy.custom("ai:notifications");
  6. Check test-ai-classifier/lib/labels.js file to get the list of predefined labels.

  7. If you wish to add your labels which can be used for your app. Here's the article to train the data for classifier plugin