
Robust Functional Tests leveraging WebDriver with flavour of neat AJAX-ready API


= Arquillian Graphene 2 :asciidoctor-source: :numbered: :sectlink: :sectanchors: :sectid: :source-language: java :source-highlighter: coderay :sectnums: :icons: font :toc: left

image:["Build Status", link=""]

ifndef::generated-doc[] To read complete documentation visit endif::generated-doc[]

'Robust Functional Tests leveraging WebDriver with flavour of neat AJAX-ready API'

ifdef::generated-doc[] include::{asciidoctor-source}/graphene-introduction.adoc[] include::{asciidoctor-source}/getting-started.adoc[] include::{asciidoctor-source}/graphene-configuration.adoc[] include::{asciidoctor-source}/graphene-utility-class.adoc[] include::{asciidoctor-source}/waiting-api.adoc[Waiting API] include::{asciidoctor-source}/request-guards.adoc[] include::{asciidoctor-source}/page-abstractions.adoc[] include::{asciidoctor-source}/location-strategies.adoc[] include::{asciidoctor-source}/dependency-injection.adoc[] include::{asciidoctor-source}/parallel-browsers.adoc[] include::{asciidoctor-source}/javascript-interface.adoc[] include::{asciidoctor-source}/tips-and-tricks.adoc[] include::{asciidoctor-source}/advanced-techniques.adoc[] endif::generated-doc[]

[[project-info]] == Project Info

[cols="1,1"] |=== |Type: |Maven

|Source Code: |

|Issue tracking: |

|Forums: |

|License: |LGPL v2.1 or ASL v2.0 (dual-licensed) |===

[[getting-started]] === Getting Started Guide

Apart from the documentation available here, there is also a comprehensive guide[Functional Testing using Drone and Graphene] to help you leverage the benefits of Graphene for writing robust functional tests.

[[contributing]] == Contributing

Community contributions are essential for maintaining the vitality of the Arquillian project.

Contributing to the project helps to deliver functionality you need and allows you to share your code with other contributors and users.

We want to keep it as easy as possible to contribute your changes and we will work hard to deliver your contributions in an upcoming release.

Please refer to[How to Contribute] to find related instructions.

[[building-the-project]] == Building the Project

[[prerequisities]] === Prerequisites

  • JDK 1.6+
  • Maven 3.0.3+

[[how-to-build-project]] === How-to build Project

.... mvn clean install ....

[[running-integration-tests]] === Running Integration Tests

.... mvn clean install

cd ftest/ mvn clean verify -Dbrowser=firefox mvn clean verify -Dbrowser=chromeHeadless ....