
Bau is a simple, concise, safe, powerful and fast programming language.

APACHE-2.0 License



Bau is a simple, concise, safe, powerful and fast programming language. Features:

  • Easy to learn. Concise syntax.
  • Memory-safe. Statically typed.
  • Fast compilation and execution (transpiles to C).

Try it out in the browser. And try out the WASM C compiler (soon to be integrated).

It addresses other languages' issues:

  • Memory safety (C, C++)
  • Hard to use and master (C++, Rust)
  • Vendor lock-in (Java, Swift, C#)
  • GC pauses (Python, Java,...)
  • Verbose syntax (C, Go, Java,...)
  • Slow execution (Python)
  • Null pointer errors (Java, C,...)
  • Array bound checks (Java, Rust,...)


fun fact(x int) int
  if x <= 1
    return 1
  return x * fact(x - 1)

for i:= range(0 20)


Control flow

  • if elif else for while break
  • continue return throw catch
  • switch case

Assignment, comparison, operations

  • : constant, := variable
  • = += -= *= /= etc. update
  • = < > <= >= !=
  • and or not + - * / %
  • & | ^ ~ << >> bitwise

Data types and miscellaneous

  • int i32 i16 i8, f64 f32
  • # comment, ## block comment
  • fun type enum definitions
  • () [] . .. , ' ` ?
  • import module null const

Constants, Variables

Identifiers contain letters, digits, and _. : defines a constant. := defines a variable. = += -= *= /= &= |= ^= <<= >>= updates it:

PI : 3.14159
x := 10
x = x + 1
x += 1      # shortcut

Built-In Types

The built-in types are int i32 i16 i8 (signed integer), and f64 f32 (floating point). int can be restricted to a range using 0... Defaults are int and f64; both are 64 bit. Conversion functions change the type, and may truncate.

c := i8(10)


if starts a condition. Spaces group statements into blocks. elif ("else if") and else are optional.

if a = 0
elif a = 1


There are for and while loops. , is optional if the arguments are simple:

# loop from 0 to 9
for i := range(0 10)

for is internally converted to while:

i := 0
while i < 10
    i += 1

break exits a loop. It may have a condition:

# prints 1 to 4
for i := range(0 10)
    break i = 5


# starts a line comments; two or more start and end a block comment.

# Line comment

Block comment

Comments before types and functions are converted to documentation.


Numbers start with a digit. _ is ignored. . is floating point, 0x hexadecimal.

Strings starting with ' may contain \n newline, \t tab, \' single quote, \\ backslash, \x00 byte. UTF-8 is used.

Raw strings don't have escapes and start and end with one or more `. Multi-line ones begin on the next line and may be indented.

a : 1_000_000
b : 3.1415
c : 0xcafe
d : 'String literal'
e : `Raw string`
f : ``
  raw string with `


= < > <= >= != compare two values and return 1 or 0. and or not combine comparisons. and or only evaluate the right side when needed. Integer + - * wrap around on over- / underflow. / %: integer division by 0 returns max, min, or 0. & | ^ ~ << >> are bitwise and, or, xor, not, shift right, and logical shift right: the leftmost bits become 0.


fun starts a function. It may return a value. .. means variable number of arguments. const functions are executed at compile time if the arguments are constants. Functions can share a name if the number of arguments is different. They can be declared first and implemented later. Types can be passed as parameters or implicitly (internally, this functions are templates).

fun square(x int) int
  return x * x

fun sum(x int..) const int

fun newList(T type) List(T)
fun sort(data T[])


Types can have fields and functions:

type Square
    length int
fun Square area() int
    return length * length
s : new(Square)

If a type has a close function, then it is called before the memory is freed. int and other lowercase types are copied when assigned; uppercase types are referenced. Functions on built-in types are allowed:

fun int square() int
    return this * this

Types can have parameters:

type List(T)
    array T[]
    size int
fun newList(T type) List(T)
list := newList(Circle)


? means it may be null. An explicit check is required before using the value. There are no null pointer errors at runtime.

fun get(key int) Circle?
    # may return null

v : get(key) 
if v

Value types (eg. int) can't be null.

Arrays Access

To create and access arrays, use:

data : new(i8[], 1)
data[0] = 10

Bounds are checked where needed. Access without runtime checks require that the compiler verifies correctness. Index variables with range restrictions allow this. For performance-critical code, use [ ]! to ensure no runtime checks are done. The conditional break guarantees that i is within the bounds.

if data.len
    i :=
    while 1
        data[i]! = i
        next : i + 1
        break next >= data.len
        i = next


throw throws an exception. catch is needed, or the method needs throws. Custom exception types are allowed.

import org.bau.Exception

fun square(x int) int throws exception
    if x > 3_000_000_000
        throw exception('Too big')
    return x * x

x := square(3_000_000_001)
catch e

Modules and Import

import allows using types and functions from a module. The last part of the module name is the identifier, unless it is renamed using as. The module identifier can be omitted if the type, function, or constant is listed after import:

import org.bau.Utils
import org.bau.Math as M

module defines a module. The name needs to match the file path, here org/bau/Math.bau:

module org.bau.Math
PI : 3.14159265358979323846


Hello World

println('Hello World')

Import, Functions

import org.bau.Utils

fun printTime()



import org.bau.Utils



import org.bau.Math

println('Pi: ' Math.PI)
fun add(x int, y int) int
  return x + y

println(add(42 1))
Data Types
a := 10_000_000
b := u8(110)
c := u16(65000)
d := 'text'
e := 3.1416
f := 0..10
println(a ' ' b)
Type Conversion
a := 10_000_000
b := 3
println(a / b)
println(f64(a) / b)
PI : 3.1415
For Loops
sum := 0
for i := range(0 10)
    sum += i
While Loops
sum := 1
while sum < 10_000
    sum += sum
for i := range(1, 10)
    if i < 5
If Else
for i := range(1, 10)
    if i < 5
If Elif Else
for i := range(1, 10)
    if i = 0
    elif i = 1
    elif i = 2
import org.bau.Utils

for i := range(1, 10)
    switch Utils.random() & 7
    case 0
    case 1
    case 2, 3
        println('2 or 3')
type point
    x int
    y int

p := new(point)
p.x = 10
p.y = 20
array : new(i8[], 10)
for i := until(array.len)
    array[i] = i
import org.bau.List

list := newList(int)
enum weekday

for a := until(weekday.saturday + 1)
    switch a
    case weekday.sunday
    case weekday.monday
        println('some other day: #' a)


Feature Bau Python C C++ Java C# Go Rust Swift
Memory Safety
Easy to Learn and Use
Concise Syntax
Vendor Independent
Strongly Typed
Fast Execution
No GC Pauses
Runs Everywhere
Generics / Templates
Exception Handling
Null Safety
Array Bounds Checks
Compile-Time Execution


  • Many concepts of object-oriented programming languages are not supported,
    for example inheritance, method overloading, polymorphism,
    and more complex encapsulation.
  • Many concepts of functional programming languages are not supported,
    for example high-order functions, functional composition,
  • Reflection is not supported.
  • Tail calls are only optimized by the C compiler.
  • Multi-threading support is limited to what C supports.
  • Coroutines are not supported.
  • goto and labels are not supported.
  • continue is not currently supported (it is implemented, but might be removed later).
  • switch is not supported, to simplify the language. The compiler is supposed to
    internally uses the same performance optimisations as if there was a switch statement.
  • String interpolation is not supported to simplify the language.
    Instead, use an arrays of strings. As commas are optional, this is short.
  • Dynamic dispatch is not supported.


  • Spaces (indentation) is used to group statements. This reduces the number of lines.
    Tabs are not supported. The reason is that spaces are more common,
    and tabs do not mix well with spaces. By disallowing tabs, problems are detected early.
  • Commas in parameter lists are optional, if parameters are simple values.
    The same as in shell scripts or Lisp.
    This also makes 'print' statements more readable (without string interpolation).
  • There is no boolean data type to simplify the syntax.
    Instead, true is 1 and false is 0.
    The common pitfalls, e.g. comparing the result of a comparison,
    requires parenthesis (eg. a > b < c is not allowed).
  • Constants and variables are defined in a different way (: vs :=)
    so that it's easier to see for a reader if it may change later.
    But there is no keyword like "var", "val", "const", or "final" to shorten the code.
  • Definition of a variables is distinct from updating it (:= vs =) to quickly
    detect if a variable was already defined, and to detect typos.
  • continue is implemented but it may not be needed, so let's not use it for now.
    Removing it simplifies the language.
  • break and continue can have a condition, to avoid a separate line with if.
  • Labels for break and continue are not supported to simplify the language.
    If needed, the function can return from inside the loop, or throw an exception
    (such exceptions are very fast).
  • Comments are only a single character (#) to save some typing.
    Block comments (##) are useful if the editor doesn't support commenting a block.
    To support eg. Markdown inside of block comments, the delimiters can be variable length.
  • Raw strings are useful, to avoid escaping problems:
  • Multi-line strings are always raw strings,
    as escape sequences don't seem useful for this (tabs are supported here).
  • Dangling , are supported to e.g. simplify re-ordering entries.
  • Bit operations |, &, ^, ~ have a higher order of precedence than comparison.
    This is different from other programming languages.
    It seems the reason why it is different in other languages is historical reasons only.
  • Instead of && || ! we use the keywords and, or and not,
    to make these common cases easier to understand for new developers,
    and in case of not to make it easier to read.
  • There are no separate unsigned data types, to simplify the language.
  • Bitwise shift to the right (>>) is a logical shift, that means for negative values,
    a number of zeros are added to the left. The arithmetic shift is not supported
    by the language itself, but can be supported by a library function
    (same as eg. rotation). The reason is that logical shifts are more common.


  • There is no way to write unsafe code, except by calling C methods.
  • Array bounds are check, except if array access is guaranteed to be
    inside the bounds. This is implemented using dependent types.

Memory Management

  • Reference counting is used for reference types.
  • Mark-and-sweep garbage collection is not used to avoid pauses.
  • Borrow checking is not used to simplify writing code.
  • The plan is to use reference counting only where cycles are not possible.
  • The plan is to support weak references.
  • The plan is to support unique pointers, and arrays of pre-allocated objects
    accessed via handlers and a generation

Exceptions and Panic

  • Exceptions need to be handled using catch, or re-thrown.
  • There is no try keyword: catch will catch all exceptions in the same scope.
    This is to simplify the code, and reduce the need of indentation.
    Ruby supports a similar syntax: begin is not needed.
  • Custom exception types are allowed, with some restrictions:
    Exception types need to have an integer field exceptionType
    that may not have a negative value (because internally, this field
    is used to to flag whether the method was successful or not,
    and a negative value is used to indicate success).
  • Possible null references need to be handled.
    There is no way that null references can throw an exception or panic.
  • Integer division (/) by zero, the same as floating point division by zero,
    doesn't throw an exception. Instead, it returns the highest / lowest value
    (if dividing positive or negative numbers), or zero (for zero by zero).
    This is to be more consistent with the floating point division, and
    to avoid panic for cases were it was used for "unimportant" operations
    such as calculating the number of instructions per second, for zero seconds.
    The same goes for modulo operations.