
An advanced and powerful quest scripting plugin for Minecraft. Features built-in RPG style conversations and integration for over 30+ other plugins.

GPL-3.0 License


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BetonQuest - BetonQuest 2.0.0

Published by Wolf2323 10 months ago


  • Logging
    • Ingame logging
      • Logging during /q reload
    • New command /q debug ingame
    • Debug logging to separate file
    • Log history length can be freely configured
  • Quest Templates
    • A new folder QuestTemplates can now be used to define templates for packages
    • templates can also extend templates
  • add AureliumSkills Compatiblity
    • added AureliumSkillsLevelCondition
    • All existing users must add aureliumskills: 'true' to their config.yml's hook section.
    • added AureliumStatsLevelCondition
    • added AureliumSkillsLevelExperienceEvent
  • add DecentHolograms Compatibility
    • holograms from DecentHolograms are a direct alternative to HolographicDisplays
  • add LuckPerms context integration for tags
    • All existing users must add luckperms: 'true' to their config.yml's hook section.
  • add FakeBlock Compatibility
    • added fakeblock event that has the arguments showgroup and hidegroup to show and hide FakeBlock groups
    • added hook.fake-block config option, default: true
  • add RedisChat Compatibility
    • added redischat chat interceptor
  • added Event Schedules to replace old static-events system
    • static events from schedulers now respect static conditions
    • events called by schedules are always called player independent
    • runForAll event can now be used to run events for all players that match a condition
    • runIndepent event can be used to run events static (player independent) from player dependent contexts
  • added support for Base64 encode custom heads
    • can be created from items in inventory using the BetonQuest item command (Paper only, Bukkit/Spigot can be configured manually)
    • can be given to players using the BetonQuest give command
  • NotifyIO "totemIO"
  • Support for MythicLib
  • player attribute to QuestCompassTargetChangeEvent
  • added PlayerObjectiveChangeEvent, PlayerJournalAddEvent, PlayerJournalDeleteEvent
  • Allow %player% variable for PLAYER_HEAD quest items
  • allow access to objective variable properties from other packages
  • allow point variables from other packages
  • API method in objective API that starts and stops it per player
  • config option default_hologram to set hologram priority if multiple hologram plugins are loaded at once
  • config option journal.show_in_backpack to remove the journal from the backpack
  • config option journal.lock_default_journal_slot to lock the journal to the default_journal_slot
  • config option journal.give_on_respawn to add the journal to the inventory after the player respawns
  • config option journal.custom_model_data to give the journal a ressource pack based skin
  • config option mysql.reconnect_interval to set the reconnect interval if the connection to the database gets lost
  • compass now supports items from other packages
  • new messages.yml entries inventory_full_backpack and inventory_full_drop to have more specific messages,
    when the inventory of the player is full
  • menu conversationIO option npc_name_newline_separator
  • added q download command
  • variable support for menu titles
  • configurable cooldown to menu conversation IO
  • holograms
    • variable support
    • top lists ordered by point values of players
    • npcs list now supports global variables as NPC ID in NPC Holograms
  • menus now support global variables
  • exposed the Citizen variable and enhanced location capabilities
  • menus now support string with newline or string list text values for lore
  • amount of objectives now support variables
  • added quest item flag recording and restore
  • Conversations now support cross conversation pointers to conversations in other packages
  • QuestCancelers can now be referenced across packages
  • Chat Interceptor packet is now 1.20.4 compatible
  • freeze event - ProtocolLib compatibility feature: Blocks the player from moving for the specified amount of ticks
  • block objective - properties: absoluteAmount, absoluteLeft and absoluteTotal
  • command objective
  • equip objective
  • delay objective - now support variables
  • sudo event - now supports variables
  • opsudo event - now supports variables
  • variable condition - now supports variables
  • bossbar notify style now supports variables for the progress and stay arguments
  • delay objective property: rawSeconds
  • fish objective now has hookLocation and range settings.
  • consume objective now has amount argument.
  • mmoprofessionlevelup objective can now check the main character level as well
  • burning condition
  • inconversation condition
  • language condition
  • heroesattribute condition - Heroes compatibility feature: Checks a player's level for a particular attribute against a value
  • variable condition - regex can now also be a variable
  • mmspawn event now has argument target Makes the spawned mob target the player
  • mmspawn event now has argument private Visually hides the spawned mob from other players. Does not stop sound or particles
  • mmspawn event now supports the marked argument
  • objective event now supports a comma separated list of objectives
  • mmobkill objective now supports the marked and deathRadiusAllPlayers argument
  • marked argument now supports %player% variable
  • globaltag and globalpoint variables
  • burn event - ignites player for given seconds, supports variables
  • velocity event - throws the player by a vector (can be variable) with a direction and modification
  • block objective - added argument noSafety which disables removing progress when the player does the opposite of what the objective asks for
  • block objective - added property variables absoluteLeft, absoluteTotal, absoluteAmount that always return absolute values
  • hunger condition and event
  • variable condition - forceSync argument forces the condition to be checked on the main thread
  • variable condition - now supports variables as both the input and the regular expression
  • command event - now suppress console output
  • cancelconversation event
  • time event - now supports subtraction and world selection, which made it persistent and static
  • globalpoint event - new syntax for manipulating global points
  • experience event - it's now possible to change xp, change and set levels and set the xp bar
  • deleteglobalpoint event
  • score event - more options for manipulating the scoreboard
  • item variable - new name and lore argument and now supports items from other packages
  • randomnumber variable added - supports variables
  • give event - new backpack argument to place items in the backpack (if a valid QuestItem)
  • party event - new optional amount of maximal affected players
  • drop event
  • itemdurability event, condition and variable
  • numbercompare condition
  • cancelOnLogout argument for folder event
  • npcinteract objective - now supports the argument interaction to choose between left, right or both clicks
  • log event
  • party event - new range 0 and -1 to select players in the same world or server wide
  • stage objective, condition and event
  • first event - attempts to run a list of events until one successfully runs, like a compressed if event


  • Java 17 is now required
  • changed package names from pl.betoncraft.betonquest to org.betonquest.betonquest
  • Changed quest package structure
    • Quest packages are now searched and loaded from the folder BetonQuest/QuestPackages/
    • Quest packages can now contain more quest packages in sub folders
    • Relative paths can now navigate downwards and not only upwards
    • main.yml was renamed to package.yml
    • Any file and folder structure with any file and folder names is now allowed, except package.yml, as that file
      indicates a quest package
    • events, objectives, conditions, journal and items are now defined in a config section matching their
    • conversations and menus are now defined in a config section matching their names and a unique identifier like
      the file name before
    • The enabled boolean is now defined in the package section
  • all objectives that can be advanced without directly completing now support notify
  • all objectives that can be advanced without directly completing now support left, amount and total variables
    • the left and amount variables of some objectives were swapped and have been corrected: left is the amount
      left, amount is the amount done
  • NPC Holograms are reworked
    • individual refresh rate for each hologram
    • the boolean follow is now set per hologram
    • the vector offset origin has been changed. The hologram is now directly above the NPCs head by default. This means all previously custom vectors are now increased by 3 blocks on the y-axis.
    • npc_effects are reworked
      • the section changed its naming from npc_effects to effectlib
      • the section disabled got removed
      • the section check_interval is now an inner section of the effect and now called checkinterval
      • next to the npcs section there is now an locations section
      • effects will now follow npcs if they're pathing to another spot
  • AureliumSkills updated to version Beta1.2.5
  • PikaMug Quests updated to version 4.1.3
  • Items now support AIR
  • Menus now support new click options shiftLeft, shiftRight and middleMouse to execute events on item clicks
    • Therefore left and right in the click section no longer include shift clicks
  • folder event - now executes events immediately if no delay is set
  • weather event - now has an optional variable duration (in seconds) and an optional world param
  • paste event - can now be static
  • chestput objective - can now block other players from accessing a chest while someone is putting items inside
  • The location and region objectives now register movement of players inside a vehicle
  • written book is now readable as a quest item
  • HolographicDisplays updated to 3.0.0
  • Added staticness indicator to variables that can be executed without a direct player connection
  • written book quest items can now be read
  • experience objective event and condition were reworked
    • condition and objective do not support raw experience anymore
    • all allow decimal level and variables now
  • changed backpack configuration. "" will hide the compass or canceler
  • smelt objective - now requires a QuestItem instead of a BlockSelector
  • cancelquest command - has its own permission now
  • compass command - has its own permission now
  • language command - is now persistent
  • point command - list can now be filtered by beginning letters
  • tag command - list can now be filtered by beginning letters
  • globalpoint command - list can now be filtered by beginning letters
  • globaltag command - list can now be filtered by beginning letters
  • journal command - list can now be filtered by beginning letters
  • objective command - list can now be filtered by beginning letters
  • variable condition supports escapable underscores to avoid replacement
  • kill event - now kills the player, instead of dealing damage, which is more reliable
  • lightning event - now has a new noDamage argument
  • clear and killmob' events - got replaced by new removeentity` event
  • the line length of SlowTellRaw conversation IO from 60 to 50 to fit the actual minecraft chat
  • Item enchantments was changed to include zero as a legal value, not just positive numbers
  • the objectives mmocorecastskill and mmoitemcastability were merged into the mmoskill objective
  • command event no longer runs for all players on the server if a variable is used
  • math and version variables - now static
  • alternative and check condition - now static
  • open_events in a menu are now called before the menu actually opens
  • conversation event now support a start option


  • deprecated internals, code and old features
  • Support for MMOLib
  • message event
  • title event
  • playsound event


  • added missing spaces to time left property of delay objective
  • catchup now works even if schedule was never executed before
  • q version now works again
  • RPGMenu error when teleport events are used as click events
  • RPGMenu bound items not always working
  • npc_holograms do now show errors during reload and not one tick later
  • first slot in backpack stays empty when journal is in player inventory
  • npc_holograms are not shown correctly with multiple defined npcs
  • spectator mode is now disabled for chest conversation io to prevent being stuck in the conversation
  • packet chat interceptor does not catch action bar anymore
  • time event does not work with floating point values
  • global variable recursive resolution cross packages
  • inaccurate location variable decimal rounding
  • NPC holograms from Citizens are not hidden correctly
  • location objective - is now more robust if the player changes a world
  • brew objective - now counts newly brewed potions even if there were already some potions of the desired type in
  • chestput objective - did now work with double chests
    other slots present
  • menu(open) event - showed the previous menu again
  • non .yml files causing errors when loading quest packages
  • pickrandom event - did not calculated chance correctly
  • pickrandom event - did not allowed dashes in event names
  • action objective - ignored offhand at all
  • enchant objective - did not work at all, now has amount and requirementMode parameters
  • Hologram topX line not working with profiles
  • the craft objective could be completed without consuming materials
  • LocationObjective resolves variable for a player who does not have the objective, and so maybe also dont have the variable
  • performance when using many conditions / events / ... repeatedly
  • /q journal command allowed invalid journal pointers
  • AsyncSaver will shut itself down if the database connection is lost, resulting in data loss
  • Journal entries did count color codes as line length, affecting the formatting of pages
  • Notification categories could be modified during runtime with the notify event
  • Leading spaces are now preserved in conversation messages and journal entries
  • giving air with the give command or the give event crashes the server
  • duplication of holograms when reloading BetonQuest and the hologram is hidden
  • menu conversation IO kicked players when conversation started in the air caused by flying detection
  • menu conversation IO did not stopped scrolling at the bottom and began to scroll from the top again
  • removed the hearts of the Armorstand in the Menu Conversation IO
  • journal entries now keep their leading whitespaces
  • exceptions in sudo and command events leading to broken conversations that could not be exited
  • the NPC's head could be stolen from conversations with the chest style


  • it was possible to put a QuestItem into a chest
  • bump log4j dependency 2.15.0 to fix CVE-2021-44228
  • take event - is now threadsafe
BetonQuest - BetonQuest v1.10

Published by Wolf2323 over 4 years ago

There is already 1.11 ->
And check out our dev-builds ->

  • Development versions can be full of bugs. If you find any, please report them on GitHub Issues.
  • This version is only compatible to Shopkeepers v2.2.0 and above


  • npc holograms above the head that follow the npc (requires HolographicDisplays)
  • New 'facing' condition - check if player is facing a direction
  • New 'looking' condition - check if player looks at a block
  • New 'deleffect' event - delete potion effects of a player
  • New '%citizen%' variable - display a npcs name or coordinates (requires Citizens)
  • New 'npcrange' objective - player has to go towards a npc (requires Citizens)
  • New 'npcdistance' condition - check if a player is close to a npc (requires Citizens)
  • New 'npclocation' condition - check if a npc is at a location (requires Citizens)
  • New 'npcregion' condition - check if a npc is inside a region (requires Citizens & WorldGuard)
  • New 'killmob' event - remove the mobs that you spawned with 'spawn' event
  • New '/q version' command - get the version used
  • New 'partialdate' condition - check if the date matches a pattern
  • New 'dayofweek' condition - check if its weekend or monday
  • New 'realtime' condition - check if its a specific time
  • New 'xp' event - give a player xp.
  • Global objecties (objectives that are active for all players directly after start)
  • Global tags and points (tags ad points that are not set for one specific player)
  • New 'globaltag' event
  • New 'globaltag' condition
  • New 'globalpoint' event
  • New 'globalpoint' condition
  • New 'opsudo' event - Sudo commands with op permissions
  • Brewery integration ('drunk', 'drunkquality' and 'hasbrew'conditions, 'givebrew' and 'takebrew' events)
  • New 'title' event - display titles without the whole command hassle
  • New 'playsound' event - plays a sound
  • New 'fly' condition - check if the player is flying with Elytra
  • New 'biome' condition - check the player's current biome
  • New 'interact' objective - interact with an entity
  • Conversations can individually override conversation IO type
  • NPCs can be individually hidden from players if ProtocolLib is installed


  • 'compass' event can now directly set a players compass
  • holograms from HolographicDisplays now can display items
  • 'movenpc' event now allows multiple locations to create a path
  • 'enchant' objective now allows multiple enchantments
  • 'particle' event can now create client side only particles
  • 'chest' converstionIO now dosn't display messages to chat for the old behaviour use 'combined'
  • 'money' event can now notify you about how much you recieved
  • 'mmobkill' objective now allows multiple mobs
  • Translation system is integrated with BetonLangAPI
  • NPC heads in "chest" conversation IO will display correct Citizens skin
  • NPC particles (EffectLib integration) can be displayed to individual players
  • Condition command allows checking static conditions
  • 'testforblock' condition can now check for specific data value
  • 'delay' objective and 'folder' event accept more time units
  • 'password' objective also accepts commands
  • Commands can be tab-completed


  • Fixed bug where players could take out items from the chest conversationIO
  • Removed possibilities of dropping/transfering quest items and the journal
  • Lots of smaller bugfixes
BetonQuest - BetonQuest v1.11

Published by bundabrg almost 5 years ago



Source Code:


  • Support Minecraft 1.8 - 1.13.2+
  • New Block Selector to select blocks by material and attributes. Can use wildcards as well.
  • New 'mooncycle' condition - Determine what phase the moon is in
  • Chest ConversationIO can now be configured to show NPC text per option.
  • New 'extends' keyword in conversation to allow inheritance
  • New 'conversation' condition that will return true if there is at least 1 conversation option available to an NPC
  • New 'nujobs_canlevel' condition - True if player can level in Jobs Reborn
  • New 'nujobs_hasjob' condition - True if player has job in Jobs Reborn
  • New 'nujobs_jobfull' condition - True if a job is full in Jobs Reborn
  • New 'nujobs_joblevel' condition - True if player has level in Jobs Reborn
  • New 'nujobs_addexp' event - Add experience to player in Jobs Reborn
  • New 'nujobs_addlevel' event - Add a level to player in Jobs Reborn
  • New 'nujobs_dellevel' event - Remove a level from player in Jobs Reborn
  • New 'nujobs_joinjob' event - Joins a player to a job in Jobs Reborn
  • New 'nujobs_leavejob' event - Leaves a job in Jobs Reborn
  • New 'nujobs_setlevel' event - Set a players level in Jobs Reborn
  • New 'nujobs_joinjob' objective - Triggers when player joins job in Jobs Reborn
  • New 'nujobs_leavejob' objective - Triggers when a player leaves job in Jobs Reborn
  • New 'nujobs_levelup' objective - Triggers when a player levels up in Jobs Reborn
  • New 'nujobs_payment' objective - Triggers when a player is paid in Jobs Reborn
  • New Notification System
  • New 'notify' event - Create custom notifications on the ActionBar, BossBar, Title, Subtitle and Achievement
  • New 'menu' conversation IO - Requires ProtocolLib. See:
  • New 'packet' chat interceptor - Requires ProtocolLib.
  • new '/q debug' command - Enable or disable the debug mode
  • Condition 'wand' can now have an option 'amount'


  • Event 'effect' can have 'ambient', 'hidden' and 'noicon' parameters
  • Event 'effect' has '--ambient' parameter deprecated with a non fatal warning.
  • Priority for 'journal_main_page' entries not unique anymore, it only orders the entries. Same priority sort it alphabetic
  • Objective 'interact' can have 'loc', 'range' parameters
  • Objective 'region' can optionally have 'entry' and/or 'exit' to only trigger when entering or exiting named region
  • The old 'Debug' class was replaced by a more useful and powerful 'LogUtils' class


  • Resolve variables in journal pages.
  • WATER and LAVA can be specified in Action Objective
  • Journals without dates now don't leave blank lines
  • Journal separator can be disabled or customized
  • NPCs now spawn correct, if they have a npc_hologram
  • fixed NPE when no journal entry exists
  • The default package is now compatible with all versions
BetonQuest - BetonQuest 1.9.6

Published by RiledUpCrow almost 7 years ago

BetonQuest v1.9.6


  • Update version to 1.9.6

From previous release:

  • Fixed global locations loading before the worlds
  • Fixed loading order of Citizens/EffectLib integration
  • Fixed restarting of persistent objectives not working correctly
  • Fixed "unbreakable" tag not being read from items
BetonQuest - BetonQuest 1.9.5

Published by RiledUpCrow almost 7 years ago

BetonQuest v1.9.5


  • Fixed global locations loading before the worlds
  • Fixed loading order of Citizens/EffectLib integration
  • Fixed restarting of persistent objectives not working correctly
  • Fixed "unbreakable" tag not being read from items
BetonQuest - BetonQuest 1.9.4

Published by RiledUpCrow almost 7 years ago

BetonQuest v1.9.4


  • Fixed broken integration loading
BetonQuest - BetonQuest 1.9.3

Published by RiledUpCrow almost 7 years ago

BetonQuest v1.9.3


  • NPC and mob kills will be correctly registered when killed by indirect means
  • Replaced error with a nice message when config updating fails to start
  • Unbreakable items are no longer breakable in newer Spigot releases
  • Moved compatibility hooks to the first server tick to hook into lazy plugins
  • Colors of text in "chest" conversations are now correctly applied over text breaks
  • Added a nice message when conversation option is missing "text"
  • Fixed a rare crash when NPC was stopped and its target was outside of loaded chunks
  • Fixed checking item amounts in the backpack
  • Allowed negative data in items for compatibility with dark magics
  • Removed Denizen script checking, since it didn't work sometimes
BetonQuest - BetonQuest 1.9.2

Published by RiledUpCrow over 7 years ago

BetonQuest v1.9.2


  • Conversations won't allow taking items from GUI windows
  • When using wrong 'point' or 'item' variable there will be a nice error message
  • NPCs can be safely despawned while in the middle of a conversation
  • Error on '/q reload' when NPC particles are disabled is now gone
  • Items for compass buttons are now correctly loaded


  • These events are now correctly persistent: clear, explosion, lightning, setblock, spawn
  • BetonQuest is using bStats instead of McStats
BetonQuest - BetonQuest 1.9.1

Published by RiledUpCrow over 7 years ago

BetonQuest v1.9.1


  • Holograms are now correctly loaded.
BetonQuest - BetonQuest 1.9

Published by RiledUpCrow over 7 years ago

BetonQuest v1.9


This version breaks compatibility with plugins hooking into BetonQuest. I'm sorry for that. Ask devs to update these plugins.

The error reporting feature was improved. If you see a lot of error messages when reloading the plugin (not stack traces, just regular, human-readable messages), it's probably because there are real problems in your quests.

BetonQuest won't accept .yml extensions at the end of conversation names in main.yml. If your conversations aren't working (the plugin says they don't exist), check if you have these extensions in the main.yml file and remove them.


  • action objective now detects fire interaction
  • empty condition now skips armor and off-hand slots
  • Items can be used cross-package
  • New sound names are now used by default
  • Fixed doubled quest items when dropping them is blocked by another plugin
  • Lore and name now appear on heads and written books with custom data
  • Fix error when trying to add air (empty hand) with /q item command
  • Main page now can exceed a single page in the journal
  • The plugin will reconnect to the database if something goes wrong
  • Fishing objective now only accepts stuff from water
  • Properties in mobkill objective (left and amount) has switched places


  • Complete rewrite of item conditioning - read the docs to discover new features (previous syntax is still working without any behavior changes)
  • Books in items.yml now automatically wrap pages, like the journal and main page
  • Main page and entries in the journal can manually split pages with | character
  • New lines in conversations can be made with \n
  • Interval in delay objective is now configurable
  • craft and potion objectives now use items defined in items.yml file
  • Potion items are now defined with type: argument instead of data value
  • You can now use spaces between first options in conversations
  • Static events can now be fired with /q event - eventID command
  • Locations can have vectors defined directly in instruction strings
  • Locations can be variables which resolve to location format
  • Point condition can now check exact point amount with equal argument
  • In chest conversation IO items can be specified with durability values after a colon
  • Mobs spawned with spawn event can have armor, items in hands and custom drops
  • Unbreakability of quest items can be disabled (if you want to use unbreakable tag instead)
  • Ranges in locations are now a separate argument (10;20;30;world;4 is now 10;20;30;world 4)
  • main.yml is now the only required file in the package. Empty files can be deleted
  • Custom settings (i.e. EffectLib particle effects) are moved from main.yml to custom.yml


  • Compatibility with Shopkeepers (shopkeeper event, shopamount condition)
  • Compatibility with PlaceholderAPI (ph variable and betonquest placeholder)
  • Compatibility with HolographicDisplays (holograms visible based on conditions)
  • Compatibility with RacesAndClasses (race, class, exp, level, mana conditions/events/variables)
  • Compatibility with LegendQuest (race, class, attribute, karma conditions/variables)
  • Compatibility with WorldEdit (paste a schematic event)
  • New condition riding - check if the player is riding an entity
  • New condition world - check the world in which the player is
  • New condition gamemode - check player's game mode
  • New condition achievement - check if the player has an achievement
  • New condition variable - check if a variable matches a pattern
  • New event lever - switches a lever
  • New event door - opens/closes doors, trapdoors and gates
  • New event if - run one of two events, depending on condition
  • New event movenpc - move Citizens NPC to a location
  • New event variable - set a variable in variable objective
  • New objective vehicle - entering a vehicle entity
  • New objective variable - lets players define their own variables for you to use
  • New objective kill - kill players who meet specified conditions
  • New objective breed - breed animals (only 1.10.2+)
  • New variable %location% - resolves to player's location
  • Keyword unbreakable can be used in items to make them unbreakable
  • When a conversation option is selected, a Bukkit event is called (for developers)
  • Chat can be paused while in conversation, it will display when finished
  • Objectives can be completed for players with /q objective player complete
  • Option full_main_page controls if the main page is a separate page in the journal
  • Mobs spawned with spawn can be marked; you can require marked mobs in mobkill objective
  • Firework support in items
  • Relative package paths, where _ means one package up
BetonQuest - BetonQuest 1.8.5

Published by RiledUpCrow over 8 years ago

BetonQuest v1.8.5


  • Objectives are now correctly deleted with objective delete event and do not reappear after /q reload
  • Objectives are no longer duplicated in the database when using /q reload
BetonQuest - BetonQuest 1.8.4

Published by RiledUpCrow over 8 years ago

BetonQuest v1.8.4


  • Conversations are no longer started twice
BetonQuest - BetonQuest 1.8.3

Published by RiledUpCrow over 8 years ago

BetonQuest v1.8.3


  • Events are no longer run in async thread when completing password objective
  • Replaced stacktrace with error message when objective is incorrect in objective event
  • Made color codes work with one_entry_per_page setting enabled
  • Fixed a bug where taken backpack items were not removed from the database
  • Quest items can now be equipped
  • die objective now correctly handles damage done to the player
  • Fixed error when conversation is started without any possible options
  • Fixed error when killing NPCs with equipment
  • Fixed problems with relogging while in conversations with stop option enabled
  • Fixed error when loading corrupted item from the database


  • Updater is now based on GitHub Releases, no longer downloads major updates automatically, it is more configurable and can also download development versions with /q update --dev


  • Added console message about the cause of /q give errors (tells you what is wrong with item instruction string)
BetonQuest - BetonQuest 1.8.2

Published by RiledUpCrow over 8 years ago

BetonQuest v1.8.2


  • Fixed NPE when killing a mob without any "mobkill" objectives
BetonQuest - BetonQuest 1.8.1

Published by RiledUpCrow over 8 years ago

BetonQuest v1.8.1


  • Removing journal entries from the database now works correctly
  • MobKill objective now correctly handles kills
  • Nested package names are now correctly resolved
  • The formatting at the end of every main page line is reset
  • Fixed Apache dependency problem
  • Material name is no longer displayed in "chest" GUI conversations
  • Fixed "notify" option in give/take events
BetonQuest - BetonQuest 1.8

Published by RiledUpCrow over 8 years ago

BetonQuest v1.8


  • As always in big updates, compatibility with plugins hooking into BetonQuest is broken.
    You need to check if everything is working.


  • Die objective now reacts to death caused by other plugins
  • Static events now are started correctly
  • Static events now are canceled correctly
  • Action objective now correctly checks locations
  • Combat tag is removed after death
  • Block, Craft and MythicMobs MobKill objectives now correctly save data
  • Take event now correctly takes items from inventory, armor slots and backpack


  • New variable system in conversations (check out the documentation)
  • More options for journal, including one entry per page and removing date
  • Compatibility with mcMMO (level condition and experience event)
  • Compatibility with EffectLib ('particle' event, NPC particles)
  • Compatibility with PlayerPoints (points event and condition)
  • Compatibility with Heroes (class and skill condition, experience event,
    Heroes kills in 'mobkill' objective)
  • Compatibility with Magic ('wand' condition)
  • Compatibility with Denizen (running task scripts with 'script' event)
  • Compatibility with SkillAPI (class and level condition)
  • Compatibility with Quests (checking for done quests, starting them,
    custom event reward, custom condition requirement)
  • Optional prefix for conversations (contributed by Jack McKalling)
  • Optional material for buttons in "chest" conversation IO
  • Configurable main page in the journal
  • New argument in objectives: "persistent" - makes them repeat after completing
  • New condition 'check' - allows for specifying multiple instructions in one
  • New condition 'objective' - checks if the player has an active objective
  • New condition 'score' - check scores on scoreboards
  • New condition 'chestitem' - checks if a chest contains items
  • New event 'run' - allows for specifying multiple instructions in one
  • New event 'givejournal' - gives journal to the player
  • New event 'sudo' - forces the player to run a command
  • New event 'compass' - point player's compass to a location
  • New event 'cancel' - cancels a quest (as in main.yml)
  • New event 'score' - modify scores on scoreboards
  • New events 'chestgive', 'chesttake' and 'chestclear' - put and remove items in chests
  • New objective 'logout' - the player needs to leave the server
  • New objective 'password' - the player needs to type the password in the chat
  • New objective 'fish' - catching fish
  • New objective 'enchant' - enchanting an item
  • New objective 'shear' - shearing a sheep
  • New objective 'chestput' - putting items in a chest
  • New objective 'potion' - brewing a potion
  • New commands: /cancelquest and /compass - directly open backpack sub-pages
  • New subcommand '/q delete' - delete all specific tags/points/objectives/entries
  • New subcommand '/q rename' - rename all specific tags/points/objectives/entries
  • New subcommand '/q give' - gives you an item from items.yml


  • Administrative messages are now English-only in new installations
  • Journal event can remove entries from the journal
  • In conversations, %quester% variable changed to %npc%
  • In inventory GUI there is NPC's text in every option, for convenience
  • Conversations can point to NPC options in other conversations within the package
  • You can use spaces between events, conditions and pointers in conversations
  • All tags and points are internally associated with a package now
  • Some conditions are now static and persistent (just like events)
  • Point event can now multiply points
  • Vault Money event can now multiply money
  • Journal event can now use "update" argument for updating variables on the main page
  • Packages can now be moved to another directories
  • Quest cancelers are now defined in a more convenient way
  • /q command renamed to /betonquest, /j to /journal; previous forms are now aliases
  • Conditions and events in objective instructions (and conditions in event instructions)
    can now be defined with "condition:" and "event:" argument (without "s" at the end)
BetonQuest - BetonQuest 1.7.6

Published by RiledUpCrow about 9 years ago

BetonQuest v1.7.6


  • Conversation can no longer be started multiple times at once if it happens
    on the same tick


  • Dutch translation by Jack McKalling
BetonQuest - BetonQuest 1.7.5

Published by RiledUpCrow about 9 years ago

BetonQuest v1.7.5


  • Restored compatibility with MythicMobs 2.1.0
BetonQuest - BetonQuest 1.7.4

Published by RiledUpCrow about 9 years ago

BetonQuest v1.7.4


  • Fixed error when player was quitting with active "stop" conversation while he had not changed his language with /ql command


  • Inventory GUI will close itself if there's nothing left to display
BetonQuest - BetonQuest 1.7.3

Published by RiledUpCrow about 9 years ago

BetonQuest v1.7.3


  • Combat tagging does not work if the attack has been canceled


  • Options in conversation can also be defined using event:, condition: and pointers:
    argument names (with and without s at the end). text: argument is unchanged.