
Project to experiment with Bnd

EPL-2.0 License


//tag::vardef[] :gh-repo-owner: jmini :gh-repo-name: bnd-experiments :project-name: BND Experiments :branch: master :twitter-handle: j2r2b :license: :license-name: Eclipse Public License - v 2.0

:git-repository: {gh-repo-owner}/{gh-repo-name} :homepage: https://{gh-repo-owner}{gh-repo-name} :issues:{git-repository}/issues //end::vardef[]

//tag::header[] = {project-name} Jeremie Bresson

Project to experiment with Bnd. //end::header[]

//tag::description[] == Description

This repository contains several projects that are my experiments with link:[Bnd] and with other projects using those tools.

  • Run the link:run-bnd-cli-with-jbang/[bnd cli with Jbang]
  • Experiments with the link:[Bnd Gradle Plugin] used in non-Bnd Workspace Builds.
    ** link:lorem-bundle/[Lorem bundle] a simple bundle
    ** link:ipsum-bundle/[Ipsum bundle] a bundle that uses annotations (@Component, @Export)
    ** link:dolor/[Dolor bundles] different bundles to split api, implementation and test.
  • link:slf4j-experiment/[slf4j experiment] to test usage of SLF4J in an OSGi bundle
  • Effective OSGi Example: projects inside link:effectiveosgi-example/[effectiveosgi-example] folder were created using sevreal archetypes.
  • Issue with Groovy 3.0.0 (link:[GROOVY-9402])
    ** Project link:groovy-v3-xml-test/[groovy-v3-xml-test] shows an issue with the OSGi metadata with Groovy 3.0.0.
    ** Project link:groovy-v2-xml-test/[groovy-v2-xml-test] is similar to groovy-v3-xml-test but using an older version of Groovy (to show the regression).
  • OSGi enRoute Quick Start: projects inside link:enroutexample/[enroutexample] folder were created with the official archetype.


//tag::contact-section[] == Get in touch

Use the link:{issues}[{project-name} issue tracker] on GitHub.

You can also contact me on Twitter: link:{twitter-handle}[@{twitter-handle}] //end::contact-section[]

//tag::license-section[] == License

link:{license}[{license-name}] //end::license-section[]