
Spell checker using Brill and Moore's noisy channel error model

APACHE-2.0 License


Brill and Moore Noisy Channel Spelling Correction

This is a Java implementation of the noisy channel spell checking approach presented in:

Brill and Moore (2000). An Improved Error Model for Noisy Channel Spelling Correction. In Proceedings of the ACL 2000.

The spell checker's error model is trained on a list of pairs of misspellings with corrections, considering generic character edits up to a specified maximum edit length (e.g., the edit antent from the pair dependantdependent).

To use this spell checker you need:

  • a list of misspellings with corrections
  • a list of potential corrections (i.e., a dictionary of real words)

The spell checker does not know anything about morphology or sentence-initial capitalization, so it expects all possible forms of a word (inflected, capitalized, lowercase, mixed case, etc.) to appear in the list of potential corrections. The command-line wrapper includes flags to expand a provided dictionary with lowercase and capitalized versions of all words.

Command Line Usage

Compile and Package

$ mvn package


$ java -jar target/brillmoore-0.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar


usage: java -jar brillmoore-0.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar
 -a,--minatoa <arg>      minimum a -> a probability (default 0.8)
 -c,--candidates <arg>   number of candidates to output (default 10)
 -d,--dict <arg>         dictionary file
 -h,--help               this help message
 -l,--lowercase          expand dictionary with lowercase versions of all
 -p,--train <arg>        training file
 -s,--single             add training instances for all single character
 -t,--test <arg>         testing file
 -u,--capitalized        expand dictionary with capitalized versions of
                         all words
 -w,--window <arg>       window for expanding alignments (Brill and
                         Moore's N; default 3)

Data Formats

Tab-separated values are used for input and output.


  • counts are optional, assumed to be 1 if no count provided
  • the test counts are merely copied into the output for further use
misspelling TAB target TAB count


  • without probabilities (one word per line, all words equally likely):
  • with probabilities:
word TAB probability


The output echoes the test input columns (misspelling, target, count) and appends the ranked candidate corrections as pairs of columns containing the candidate correction and the -log(prob) of the candidate.

misspelling TAB target TAB count TAB candidate1 TAB -log(prob1) TAB candidate2 TAB -log(prob2) ...


Sample input files based on the Aspell common misspellings test data are provided in data/. See data/ for details.

$ java -jar target/brillmoore-0.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar -d data/aspell-wordlist-en_USGBsGBz.70-1.txt -p data/aspell-common.train -t data/ -c 3 > data/

Sample output:

pumkin  pumpkin 1       pumpkin 4.38    pumpkin's       6.67    bumkin  7.32
reorganision    reorganisation  1       reorganisation  2.88    reorganisation's        5.20    reorganisations 7.09
gallaxies       galaxies        1       galaxies        4.01    galaxy's        13.26   galaxy  17.45
superceeded     superseded      1       superseded      7.91    supersede       14.46   succeeded       18.34
millenia        millennia       1       millennia       2.11    millennial      6.23    millennial's    8.52
pseudonyn       pseudonym       1       pseudonym       4.69    pseudonym's     6.98    pseudonyms      8.87
synonymns       synonyms        1       synonyms        6.46    synonym's       8.29    synonym 12.49
prominant       prominent       1       predominant     1.76    prominent       2.71    preeminent      10.01
manouver        maneuver        1       maneuver        1.93    manoeuvre       3.76    maneuver's      4.27
obediance       obedience       1       obedience       1.98    obedience's     4.33    obeisance       10.12

Evaluation for sample output:

$ data/ data/
NotFnd	Found	First	1-5	1-10	1-25	1-50	Any (Max: 3)
0	10	90.0	100.0	100.0	100.0	100.0	100.0

Evaluation for the whole dev set output in data/ considering the first 100 suggestions:

NotFnd	Found	First	1-5	1-10	1-25	1-50	Any (Max: 100)
18	403	84.1	93.1	94.8	95.5	95.7	95.7

(Compare to:

Evaluation with default paramemeters training on all Aspell common misspellings (data/aspell-common.all) and testing on Aspell current test data (data/aspell-current.all), which focuses on difficult misspellings:

NotFnd	Found	First	1-5	1-10	1-25	1-50	Any (Max: 100)
43	504	56.3	78.4	83.7	88.8	91.2	92.1

(Compare to:

Note: some target corrections aren't found in the provided dictionary due to capitalization (e.g., The, muslims) and run-on errors (incase). The flags -l and -u could be used to expand the base word list with lowercase and capitalized versions respectively.

Java Usage

// create a list of pairs of misspellings and corrections
List<Misspelling> trainMisspellings = new ArrayList<>();
trainMisspellings.add(new Misspelling("Abril", "April", 1));

// create a dictionary
Map<String, Double> dict = new HashMap<>();
dict.put("April", 1.0);
dict.put("Arzt", 1.0);
dict.put("Altstadt", 1.0);

// set the parameters
int window = 3;
double minAtoA = 0.8;

try {
    // train spell checker
    SpellChecker spellchecker = new SpellChecker(trainMisspellings, dict, window, minAtoA);

    // run spell checker
    List<Candidate> candidates = spellchecker.getRankedCandidates("Abril");

    // iterate over top ten candidates
    for (Candidate cand : candidates.subList(0, Math.min(candidates.size(), 10))) {
        System.out.println(cand.getTarget() + "\t" + cand.getProb());
} catch (ParseException e) {


April	1.6094379124341005
Altstadt	Infinity
Arzt	Infinity

Using Maven

Install in the local maven archive:

$ mvn install

Add the maven dependency:



This code includes modified versions of: