
Tiny helper class to provide cache for the result of repeated functions.

MIT License




A tiny helper class to provide cache for the result of repeated functions.

How to use?

Let's take an example:

    public static List<String> getInstalledAppPackageNameList(Context context) {
        return CacheFunctionUtil.get().staticCache(() -> {
            return context.getPackageManager().getInstalledApplications(0).stream()
                    .map(applicationInfo -> applicationInfo.packageName)

Then the getInstalledAppPackageNameList method will only run at the first time. The cached results will be directly obtained when repeatedly called.

With paramenters?

    public static Palette generatePaletteFromDrawable(Drawable drawable) {
        return CacheFunctionUtil.get( -> {
            Bitmap bitmap = BitmapUtil.drawableToBitmap(drawable);
            return Palette.from(bitmap).generate();
        }, drawable);

For different drawable object (identify by hashCode()), CacheFunctionUtil will catch different caches.

Clear caches?

Just call return CacheFunctionUtil.get(

It is recommended to assign different IDs to different logic parts.


CacheFunctionUtil is only one class. Just CTRL+A, CTRL+C to your project.

How it works?

It is just a HashMap and the point is lambda expression. On Android each lambda expression will be generated to a alone class at compile time so we can just use lambda.getClass().getName() + paramenters.hashCode() as key to store every result to a HashMap.



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