
🍿Android app for browsing popular movies



A simple application that browses popular movies by presenting a grid of movie posters. All movie information comes from the The Movie Database (TMDb).

Not a production app!

I am working on this app as an exercise in Android development. It is ugly and incomplete, and some features might not work correctly.


  • View a tappable grid of movie posters from the TMDb API which is also tablet optimized
  • Tap on a poster to see movie details: title, ratings, reviews, and links to trailers
  • Use Android intent to launch YouTube to watch trailers
  • Mark movies as a favorite, or unmark as a favorite
  • Sort movies by most popular, highest rated, or just see your favorites

Requires an API key

To build and run this app, you'll need your own TMDb API key. Get one from and then add it to the res/values/themoviedb.xml file.


Phone view

Tablet view