
This library simulates and corrects images to ease differentiation of colors for colorblind people

MIT License



This library simulates and corrects images to ease differentiation of colors for colorblind people - developed for Processing Foundation as a part of Google Summer of Code 2017

You can find the full source for the library here!

Importing the library

Start with importing the library to your code

import colorblindness.*;
import processing.glu.*;
import processing.glu.tessellator.*;

Simulating/Correcting using color difference method (Daltonization)

The "colorblindness.daltonize() takes 4 parameters

  1. Type of colorblindness
  2. Absolute address of input file
  3. Absolute Address of output file
  4. Simulate or Correct the image
colorblindness.daltonize(int type, string inputAddress, string outputAddress, boolean correct);

//For example, the following line simulates the image at /Desktop/input.jpg 
//as per protanopia and stores the output at /Desktop/output.jpg


Options for type - 1 -> Protanopia 2 -> Deutranopia 3 -> Tritanopia

Correcting the image using RGB Color Contrast method

There are two possible function calls for this

colorblindness.rgbContrast(string inputFile, string outputFile, float factor);
//The factor range from 0 to 1

colorblindness.rgbContrast(string inputFile, string outputFile);


When no factor is defined, the library uses predetermined optimum factor of 0.28

Correcting the image using HSV Color Contrast method

colorblindness.hContrast(string inputFile, string outputFile, int factor);
//The factor range from 1 to 128

colorblindness.hContrast("/Desktop/input.jpg","/Desktop/output.jpg", 50);

Correcting the image using CIE*LAB Color Contrast Method

colorblindness.labMethod(string inputFile, string outputFile, float factor);
//The factor range from 0 to 1

colorblindness.labMethod(string inputFile, string outputFile);


When no factor is defined, the library uses predetermined optimum factor of 0.35

For more details about the project, go here