
Result, Either, Try, and Maybe monadic types for Java

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Sealed monads for Java.

Generally these types are used to return one of two values, such as success or failure.

All types are sealed (Sum types), and can be used in switch expressions and with pattern matching.


A general immutable type that can only be either one of two types. The types are called Left<L> and Right<R>. By convention, the Left type indicates failure, while the Right type indicates success.


Similar to an Either, but with success/failure semantics more clearly defined. An OK<V> Result indicates success, and an Err<E> Result indicates failure. Failure types do not need to be Exceptions.

Result<Double,String> result = Result.<Integer, String>ofOK(3828)  // returns an OK<Integer>
       .map(x -> x*10.0)        // map to Result<Double,String>, after multiplying x 10
       .match(System.out::println)     // print "38280.0" to console
       .matchErr(System.err::println);   // ignored, as this is an OK

switch(result) {
   case OK<Double,String> ok -> System.out.println("value ok! value: "+ok.value());
   case Err<Double,String> err -> System.err.println(err.value());

// JDK 21+
switch(result) {
   case OK(Double x) when x > 0 -> System.out.println("positive");
   case OK(Double x) -> System.out.println("0 or negative");
   case Err(String s) -> System.err.println(s);

// anotherResult here will be an Err<String>
Result<Double,String> anotherResult = Result.<Integer, String>ofErr("Insufficient entropy")
         .map(x -> x*10.0 )       // ignored, as this is an Err
         .match(System.out::println)     // ignored, as this is an Err
         .matchErr(System.err::println);  // "Insufficient entropy" printed to System.err


A specialized type of Result. A Try wraps a function or block; if successful, a Success Try is returned; otherwise, a Failure Try containing an Exception is returned. Intermediate operations which return Trys will also catch generated Exceptions.

final Try<Integer> result = Try.ofSuccess( 777 )
        .map( i -> i * 1000 )           // results in a Try<Integer> with a value of 777000
        .exec( System.out::println )    // prints "777000"
        .map( i -> i / 0 )              // the ArithmeticException is caught as a Try.Failure
        .exec( System.out::println );   // does not exec() because we are a Failure

// prints "ERROR: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero"
switch(result) {
        case Success(Integer i) -> System.out.printf("Operation completed successfully. Value: %d\n", i);
        case Failure(Throwable t) -> System.err.printf("ERROR: %s\n", t);


Analogous to the JDK Optional type, but sealed so it may be used in switch statements and with pattern matching.


Branch 1.1 (August 2024, not yet released)

JSR-305 nullness annotations have been replaced with JSpecify 1.0, reducing annotation clutter. Note that this could potentially pose problems given issues prior to JDK 22. Runtime nullness checks (via Objects.requireNonNull) have not been removed.

The 1.1 branch also adds Result::merge which simplifies reduction operations on Result streams (see method documentation and tests for examples).

Release 1.0 (January 2024)

Refactored and improved from the original version.

Handling exceptions is substantially better with the new Try type (a specialized type of Result), which also supports the try-with-resources pattern.

Some usage examples are now included... though additional illustrative examples should be provided!


Available online or by download.


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Copyright 2022-2024, xyzsd

Many thanks to @fdelsert for suggestions and improvements leading to the 1.0 release.

Licensed under either of:

at your option.

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