An ORM for people who hate ORMs.

LGPL-2.1 License


DKOs - Data Knowledge Objects

(Or Derek's Objects, depending on who you ask...)

NEW: Read the DKO Presentation.


DKOs are an ORM for people who hate ORMs.

ORMs are a pain. They promise a world of being free from your database where you just work with good ol' Java. Your database server doesn't matter. Your schema doesn't matter. Tables and relationships can be abstracted away and changing them doesn't have to affect your code. All you have are some object references and you can modify them willy-nilly and it'll all just work.

Well that's just nonsense. It may work for a 100 entry blog implementation, but you're not going to process millions of new rows daily with it (or at least not without a world of pain getting there). Your database is a shared resource on a different machine, not an in-memory entity. And ignoring your schema is a great way to accidentally DOS your database with millions of "select * from x where id=35476753" style queries.

Plus: SQL is not the devil! It's one of computer science's most successful languages! The devil is SQL built by string concatenation. And string identifiers. And a lack of typing. And a lack of streaming.

DKOs addresses all these issues:

  • It's fully typed.
  • It's streaming (by default).
  • It embraces SQL (rather than replaces it).
  • It doesn't use string identifiers for tables/columns/etc.
  • It doesn't hide from you the fact that it's hitting a database (or what SQL it's running).

Want to get started right now? Try the Quick Start Guide.

Curious about DKOs on Android? Check out Hello Android.

Supported Databases

DKOs fully support the following database engines:

Please contact me if your database is not on this list. It's usually ~2-3 hours work to add support (assuming I have a working instance to test against).

The Nickel Tour

Hello world...

for (Bug bug : Bug.ALL.limit(100)) {
  System.out.println(bug.getId() +" "+ bug.getTitle());

The constant Bug.ALL is of type Query<Bug>, as is Bug.ALL.limit(100). And Query<Bug> implements Iterable<Bug> (hence it working in a for loop).

The class Bug is generated (please don't freak out) direct from your database schema. Is generated code evil? Usually yes, but not always. It's evil if you generate it, modify it and check it into your VCS. But if it's a build artifact (like your .class files) that is never touched by human hands (or git)... then it's OK. And that's what we do here. (In fact the ONLY way to generate code with DKO is through an Ant task.)

Another example:

for (Bug bug : Bug.ALL.where(Bug.REPORTER.eq(Bug.ASSIGNEE))) {
  // people work on their own bugs a lot

Bug.REPORTER is static constant Field<Integer>. Fields have methods for all normal SQL comparisons. Here we're comparing it to another field of the same table.

For simplicity, let's leave out the for loop going forward...

Bug.ALL.where(Bug.CREATE_DATE.between(new Date(2010,06,30), new Date(2013,09,04)));
Bug.ALL.where( Date(2013,03,05))

Remember when I said DKOs embrace SQL?

Joins on foreign keys are easy too:

Query<Bug> q = Bug.ALL
// this only runs one query - no O(n) database ops!
for (Bug bug : q) {

BTW, that works both ways:

Query<User> q = User.ALL
    .where( // hours
// only one joined query (streaming over User) happens here
for (User user : q) {
    // no second query here!
    for (Bug bug : user.getReporterUserSet()) {

Foreign key relationships aren't limited to one join:

// joins to two tables

Nor are they limited to one level deep:

Bug bug = Bug.ALL.with(Bug.FK_REPORTER_USER, User.FK_MANAGER).first();

Server-side updates are supported of course:

long count = Bug.ALL
    .where( Date(2010,06,30)))
    .set(Bug.PRIORITY, 0)

As are deletes, inserts, etc. You get the drill. Virtually all SQL operations you care about are supported. Here are some highlights:

  • Transactions
  • SQL Functions
  • Joins (FK based and non-FK based)
  • Inner Queries
  • Temp Tables
  • Aggregation / Counting
  • Sum / Average
  • Order By
  • Distinct
  • Top / Limit
  • Aliases

Plus some nice touches:

  • Reads (outside transactions) default to database mirrors (if you have them).
  • Selected columns that go unused are optimized away in future runs.
  • DKOs warn you if you're needlessly killing your database (like when you forget a .with(FK)).
  • Lots of helper functions... (Want a Map<Integer,Bug> from some field to your object? Can do!)

And DKOs scale very well. Measured performance is >98% of raw JDBC for the largest SQL Server databases money can buy. And they're small enough to power Android apps (using SQLite).

Plus, and I can't stress this enough: The code is boringly simple. Plain objects with plain variables. No byte-code rewriting. No twenty-layers-of-reflection hell. No dictionary-backed objects. When you want to know what's going on you don't need a PhD. Only a debugger.

To learn more, see DKOs - The Book.


The idea of DKO started in 2006 when I first used Django, liked their query API and thought "jeez I wish Java had this". (I had spent the previous six years as a corporate Java developer) But I quickly fell in love with Python, so I never pursued it. Then in 2010 I was thrown back into the Java world when I started at Two Sigma Investments. I was appalled by our internal use/abuse of Hibernate (horribly inefficient at our scale), so I implemented DKO as an external open-source project to prove out the concept. It worked, I brought it in, and it has been in widespread internal use since. It powers hundreds of daily production-critical jobs and processes, the vast majority not written by me (and without any sort of internal mandate for its use), and is the preferred go-to API for database access in the office by developers and data analysts alike.

The original name of DKOs was Nosco (Latin for "get to know", hence "Data Knowledge Objects"), but someone pointed out that that rhymed with "bosco", and I couldn't have that. :)

Note: Two Sigma in no way endorses DKOs. Opinions stated here are mine and mine alone.