


Run mvn clean install to build jar with dependencies.

Full example of importing a serialized keras 2 model, instantiating a distributed DL4J model with Spark and evaluating model performance on data read from a CSV file:

$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit \
     --class skymind.dsx.KerasImportCSVSparkRunner \
     --files iris.txt,model.h5 \
     target/dl4j-keras-runner-0.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
       -useSparkLocal true \
       -batchSizePerWorker 15 \
       -indexLabel 4 \
       -numClasses 3 \
       -modelFileName model.h5 \
       -dataFileName iris.txt

For a keras 1 model, try model_keras_1.h5 instead.

In case you just have a model, but no data in CSV format to train or evaluate it with, set -loadData false. The model runner will then just import the model into DL4J and exit.

To train a model, use -train true and set the number of epochs with the -epochs flag.

You can upload jars to DSX with wget, for instance:

! wget target/dl4j-keras-runner-0.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar

To run this on a cluster, e.g. with DSX, you need to specify the Spark master $MASTER and remove useSparkLocal, i.e. run:

$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit \
     --class skymind.dsx.KerasImportCSVSparkRunner \
     --files iris.txt,model.h5 \
     --master $MASTER \
     target/dl4j-keras-runner-0.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
       -batchSizePerWorker 15 \
       -indexLabel 4 \
       -numClasses 3 \
       -modelFileName model.h5 \
       -dataFileName iris.txt