
A tool that helps you easily translate your killer android apps in a nice & clear interface, using popular translator engines like Microsoft Translator, Yandex Translate or Google Translate!

MIT License



A tool that helps you easily translate your killer android apps in a nice & clear interface, using popular translator engines like Microsoft Translator, Yandex Translate or Google Translate!

Features & Demo




You should already have the following dependencies installed: Java 8, Maven, Node.js(npm), Bower and Grunt. if not:

  • Java 8
  • Install Maven
  • Install Node.js. This will also install npm, which is the node package manager we are using in the next commands.
  • Install Bower: npm install -g bower
  • Install Grunt: npm install -g grunt-cli

Overall Directory Structure

The project structure looks like this:

  |- droidlinguist-web/
  |- droidlinguist-server/


Once installed, simply run the following command from the project root directory to install all maven dependencies locally:

$ mvn clean install 

Then, move to droidlinguist-web folder and run the following to start the local server (at http://localhost:8080):


where <PROFILE> can be either:

  • dev : developpment profile (unminified js/html to ease debbugging, Tomcat application server)
  • fast : another developpment profile (unminified js/html/css to ease debbugging, Undertow application server to start faster)
  • prod : production profile (minified js/html/css, static resources caching, ...)

and <TRANSLATOR_OPTIONS> are (not exclusive):

  • -Dtranslator.microsoft.clientId=<YOUR_CLIENT_ID> -Dtranslator.microsoft.clientSecret=<YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET> : to use Microsoft Translator engine
  • -Dtranslator.yandex.apiKey=<YOUR_API_KEY> : to use Yandex Translate engine
  • -Dtranslator.google.apiKey=<YOUR_API_KEY> : to use Google Translate engine

Note: If you don't want to use a translator engine at all, simply ignore these properties.

Observe the server starting logs to make sure your setup is correct.

If no warnings is shown, then run the following (in another console):

$ grunt serve 

That will start a proxy of local server at http://localhost:3000 and open a new browser tab. You can browse the application from that URL.

Also check out http://localhost:3001. It hosts a tool named Browser Sync, that manages the app at http://localhost:3000 and provides cool features like live reload, css outlining, css overlay...


Copyright (c) 2016 Tine Kondo. Licensed under the MIT License (MIT)