
JMockit plugin for Eclipse. Checks and auto-completes mock objects.

EPL-1.0 License


Eclipse plugin for JMockit

Eclipse plugin that adds IDE support to JMockit. Provides mock method suggestions and performs static analysis to report API misuse.

Features / Usage

  1. Suggests methods to be mocked. (example)

    • Press Ctrl+Space inside a class extending MockUp or annotated with @MockClass. A list of mockable methods will appear.
  2. Reports warnings as-you-type if mocking API is not used correctly (example)

    • No corresponding real method for mocked method
    • Mock method calling itself but is not marked as 'reentrant'
    • MockUp used with interface but missing getMockInstance() call
    • Mock method missing @Mock annotation
    • and others
  3. Lets you jump to real method from mock method. Hold Ctrl (Cmd) over mock method name.

  4. Automatically adds JMockit jar as -javaagent argument to JUnit launches. info


In Eclipse install using the Marketplace Client from the Help menu

Alternatively you can use the Update site:


To build run mvn clean install which will build the update site in updatesite/target/repository/. You can then install the plugin from that directory.

To develop you will need Eclipse (4.5+) with Plug-In Development Environment (PDE) installed:

  • Use File -> Import -> Existing Projects to import all projects from this repo
  • To run or debug right click on 'jmockit-plugin' project and select Run As -> Eclipse Application

To use the plug-in in existing Eclipse installation do:

  • Right click on jmockit-plugin project, Export -> Deployable plug-ins
  • Choose an existing Eclipse installation directory. Restart Eclipse


Eclipse Public License 1.0