
EMF Bundles for OSGi


Rebundled EMF for Pure OSGi Environments

The Eclipse Modelling Framework delivers a number of bundles that run under Eclipse. However, the OSGi metadata in these bundle is of poor quality and they result in a hard dependency on large part of the Eclipse runtime. In addition can only be run under Equinox. See the discussion on this bug for additional background information

In order to run EMF on other OSGi frameworks, it is necessary to rebundle EMF to clean up the dependencies.

This project contains a set of bundles for EMF that can be used in non-Equinox OSGi frameworks. These bundles are currently HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL because I am learning EMF as I go along.

Bundle List

  • name.njbartlett.osgi.emf.minimal contains what appears to be the minimal set of packages for any EMF-based model. This corresponds to the original org.eclipse.emf.ecore and org.eclipse.emf.common bundles.

  • name.njbartlett.osgi.emf.xmi contains classes for XMI marshalling/unmarshalling. It has the same content as the original org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi bundle.