
Converts Java CLI apps to FaaS, powered by Quarkus

APACHE-2.0 License


FaaScinator - Java CLI Apps as serverless functions (preview)

Converts Java CLI apps into serverless OpenFaaS functions, powered by Quarkus, picocli, Docker and Eclipse Temurin. This project is under active development (and may not work). Feedback is welcome!

Quick Start

This demo requires a container engine on your machine. Docker Desktop for Windows or MacBook should also do the job.

To get started, clone this repository to your local computer and go into its root directory. Then build the demo project:

mvn -f demo/currentTime/cli-app/ clean package

Run the following command:

docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 \
	-v $(pwd)/demo/currentTime/cli-app/target/demo-current-time.jar:/app/payload.jar \
 	-e QUARKUS_FAASCINATOR_DESCRIPTION="Shows the current time" \
	-e QUARKUS_FAASCINATOR_CLIJAR=/app/payload.jar \
	-e QUARKUS_FAASCINATOR_MAINCLASS="io.faascinator.demo.currenttime.CurrentTime" \

The command will start the image and expose the API server on port 8080. Then you can:

  1. Get current time by opening http://localhost:8080
  2. Get current time in Zurich timezone by opening http://localhost:8080/?arg=Europe/Zurich
  3. Get help by opening http://localhost:8080/help


Running in CLI

FaaScinator can be launched as a standard Quarkus service. It allows passing external CLI JAR and settings via Quarkus configuration sources.

The following command will start the service on port 8080:

java \
     -Dquarkus.faascinator.description="Shows the current time" \
     -Dquarkus.faascinator.mainClass="io.faascinator.demo.currenttime.CurrentTime" \
     -Dquarkus.faascinator.cliJar="demo/currentTime/cli-app/target/demo-current-time.jar" \
     -jar function/2_service/target/quarkus-app/quarkus-run.jar \

See the demo here.

Running in Docker

The Docker image needs to be built first. To launch the Docker Image with an arbitrary JAR, use the following command:

docker --rm -p 8080:8080 \
   -v $(pwd)/demo/currentTime/cli-app/target/demo-current-time.jar:/app/payload.jar \
   -e QUARKUS_FAASCINATOR_DESCRIPTION="Shows the current time" \
   -e QUARKUS_FAASCINATOR_CLIJAR=/app/payload.jar \
   -e QUARKUS_FAASCINATOR_MAINCLASS="io.faascinator.demo.currenttime.CurrentTime" \

Running in OpenFaaS

Coming soon!

Planned features

  • Deeper integration with Quarkus via extensions.
  • Serverless template for OpenFaaS.
  • Support for setting system properties and environment variables via requests.
  • Conversion of picocli to JSON schema for the invocation interface.
  • Support for Java 17 and, unlikely, for Java 1.8.
  • Future: support for kohsuke/args4j as a CLI provider.
  • Future: support for packaging as a native executable with GraalVM.


This is how the FaaScinator design looks like. And yes, it was initially drawn on a napkin during the lunch break! Proof in Twitter.


All code is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0. Graphics, presentation slides and other materials are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Code of Conduct

This project adopted Contributor Covenant 2.0 as Code of Conduct. See the full version and escalation guidelines here.


Any contributions are welcome! There are no contributor license agreement or other obstacles in this repository. You can just submit a pull request or share your feedback! More information: Contributing Guide.