
Repository for the Workshop on GDG Dublin 24/02/2015


Gradle Workshop

Repository for the Workshop on GDG Dublin 24/02/2015

Exercise 1

Basic configuration of gradle android project

android {
    compileSdkVersion 21
    buildToolsVersion "21.1.2"

    defaultConfig {
        minSdkVersion 15
        targetSdkVersion 21
        versionCode 1
        versionName "1.0"
    buildTypes {
        release {
            minifyEnabled false
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''

dependencies {
    compile project(':lib')


Define and use dependencies in your project and lib.

Exercise 2

SignOptions and Build Types

##Sign application with stored credentials## Using the releaseStoredCredentials build type, you will be able to build and sign the application using the credentials stored directly in build.gradle


Read the code and build the application using the android studio terminal

./gradlew assembleReleaseStoredCredentials

##Sign application using command prompt## Using the releaseConsolePrompt build type, you will be able to build and sign the application using the credentials read from a standard console prompt


Using taskGraph to execute the prompt only for the right build type, ask the user to input their credentials and use the values to sign the apk

gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { taskGraph ->
         // Only execute when we are trying to assemble a release build with command prompt
         if (taskGraph.hasTask(':app:assembleReleaseConsolePrompt')) {
             def password = ''
             def alias = ''
             def aliasPassword = ''

             // gradle will ask us for credentials
             // System.console() can be null
             def console = System.console()
             if (console != null) {
                 // readPassword returns a char[] so we need to wrap it into a string, because that's
                 // most likely what you need
                 password = new String(console.readPassword("\n\$ Enter keystore password: "))
                 alias = new String(console.readLine("\n\$ Enter key alias: "))
                 aliasPassword = new String(console.readPassword("\n\$ Enter key password: "))

             // set the captured credentials to the signingConfig
             signingConfigs.releaseConsolePrompt.storePassword = password
             signingConfigs.releaseConsolePrompt.keyAlias = alias
             signingConfigs.releaseConsolePrompt.keyPassword = aliasPassword

##Sign application using credentials stored in an external file## Using the releaseExternalCredentials build type, you will be able to build and sign the application using the credentials read from an external file


Using taskGraph to read the file only for the right build type, extract the credentials from an external file and use them to sign the apk

gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { taskGraph ->
       // Only execute when we are trying to assemble a release build with external credentials file
       if (taskGraph.hasTask(':app:releaseExternalCredentials')) {
           // extract credentials from a file outside the project
           // file structure:
           //    keystore=/path/to/keystore
           //    keystore.password=demo1234
           //    keystore.alias=demo
           //    keystore.aliasPassword=demo1234
           def credentialsFile = '/path/to/file'
           if (new File(credentialsFile).exists()) {

               Properties props = new Properties()
               props.load(new FileInputStream(file(credentialsFile)))

               signingConfigs.releaseExternalCredentialsFile.storeFile = file(props['keystore'])
               signingConfigs.releaseExternalCredentialsFile.storePassword = props['password']
               signingConfigs.releaseExternalCredentialsFile.keyAlias = file(props['alias'])
               signingConfigs.releaseExternalCredentialsFile.keyPassword = file(props['aliasPassword'])


Exercise 3


    productFlavors {

        flavor1 {
            applicationId "com.gdgdublin.exercise2flavor1"
            manifestPlaceholders = [label: "flavor1"]
        flavor2 {
            applicationId "com.gdgdublin.exercise2flavor2"
            manifestPlaceholders = [label: "flavor2"]
        flavor3 {
            applicationId "com.gdgdublin.exercise2flavor3"
            manifestPlaceholders = [label: "flavor3"]


Define BuildConfig values in your flavors.

Exercise 4

Build a custom task to rename apk name.

    android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
        variant.outputs.each { output ->
            def outputFile = output.outputFile
            if (outputFile != null &&'.apk')) {
                def fileName =".apk", "-" + getDate() + ".apk")
                output.outputFile = new File(outputFile.parent, fileName)

Exercise 5

Build a custom plugin to rename apk name.

    renamingOptions {
        outputOptions {
            nameFormat getDate() + '-$appName-$buildType-$versionName'


Deploy and import the plugin in your module

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