
Dashboard for Github Actions


== Github Actions Dashboard


This project is very much work-in-progress, it may work or not!

Custom dashboard application aggregating information from multiple Github projects and their Actions.

Some notes about purpose and idea of this project:

  • It's difficult to know a states of your actions if you have
    multiple projects, thus a need to get an aggregated view.
  • Potentially we might want to do some calls against actions
    via Github api's what you currently can't do via Github's UI.

=== Building

[source, bash]

$ ./gradlew clean build

Build and skip all tests:
[source, bash]

$ ./gradlew clean build -x test

[source, bash]

$ java -jar github-actions-dashboard-server/build/libs/github-actions-dashboard-server-.jar

Open: http://localhost:8080

If you have started to an instance with a demo profile:
[source, bash]

$ java -jar github-actions-dashboard-server/build/libs/github-actions-dashboard-server-.jar

You may see thigs like:


=== Dev

When upgrading a bundled github graphql schema and as we rely on preview api, take it with:

[source, bash]

$ curl -H "Authorization: bearer " -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.antiope-preview+json"