REPL (read–eval–print loop) shell built on top of JavaFX and GraalVM stack, incorporating GraalJS, GraalPython, TruffleRuby and FastR

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REPL (read–eval–print loop) shell built ontop of JavaFX stack, GraalJS, GraalPython, TruffleRuby and FastR

Building prerequisites

  • Up-to-date GraalVM with GRAALVM_HOME environment variable set. It can be obtained either in binary form from here for nightly versions or here for stable versions, or built from source (ideally using this script)

  • native-image

    • If you are using stable or nightly version of GraalVM you can obtain it using:

      gu install native-image
  • Truffle languages: GraalJS, GraalPython, TruffleRuby, FastR. Any combination of those will work, provided that pom.xml is edited accordingly.

    • If you are using stable or nightly version of GraalVM you can obtain them using:

      gu install python
      gu install ruby
      gu install R
    • If you are building from source you can include them as mx dynamic imports:

      cd $GRAAL_SOURCE/vm # Assuming that GRAAL_SOURCE points to right location
      export FASTR_RELEASE=true
      export FASTR_NO_RECOMMENDED=true
      export PKG_LDFLAGS_OVERRIDE="-L/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu"
      mx --dynamicimports /graal-js,graalpython,truffleruby,fastr,/substratevm build
  • Various other dependencies (which might or might not be needed): look here

  • native-image-agent in order to generate required reflection configuration in JVM mode.


If you are building from source both languages and native-image can be built using aforementioned script by simply running:

./ --dynamicimports /graal-js,graalpython,truffleruby,fastr,/substratevm

Choosing languages

Go to pom.xml in project root and edit nativeImageArgs so that languages you have installed are uncommented (with ! removed), and that others are commented out.

So if you only have graalpython installed, your configuration would look like this:


JVM run workflow

mvn clean javafx:run

(this will generate required reflection configuration - note that native-image-agent is required)

or if VSCode is used: CTRL+SHIFT+B / ⇧⌘B -> Run JVM


mvn clean javafx:run@debug

or if VSCode is used: install Debugger for Java extension and then press F5

Native-image build workflow

Platform Commands
Desktop: mvn clean client:build client:package client:run
Android: mvn -Pandroid clean client:build client:package client:install client:run
iOS: mvn -Pios clean client:build client:package client:install client:run

or if VSCode is used:

CTRL+SHIFT+B / ⇧⌘B -> Build (<platform>)

CTRL+SHIFT+B / ⇧⌘B -> Run (<platform>)