
A POC of writing Gradle tasks using wasm as implementation


Gradle WASM tasks

This project is a proof-of-concept of Gradle tasks implemented via WASM libraries. In short, this allows writing a Gradle task implementation in any language which supports compiling to WebAssembly.

The project consists of different modules:

The core modules are:

  • wasm-base-tasks is a support library providing the base tasks which support WASM binaries
  • wasm-invoker is a helper library which abstracts the WASM runtime, which can be either wasmer or GraalVM

An annotation processor consists of 2 modules:

  • wasm-gradle-annotations defines the annotations of the processor
  • wasm-gradle-processor is an annotation processor which automatically generates a Gradle task implementation from a "protocol"

Then the following modules are there for demo purposes:

  • rust-lib is a sample library written in Rust and compiling to WASM
  • assemblyscript-lib is another library written in AssemblyScript (TypeScript) and compiled to WASM
  • plugin is a plugin which loads the both sample libraries and uses them in a task

Because of the rough integration with Rust, this project assumes that you have rust installed with the proper wasm bindings:

$ rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
% cargo install wasm-gc

The graalFunctionalTest task also assumes that you have GraalVM installed with the wasm extension.

Implementation details

The wasm-base-tasks project defines a class called me.champeau.gradle.wasm.tasks.AbstractWasmTask which allows declaring a wasm binary as an input and provides a convenience for calling the binary. It uses wasmer-java or GraalVM to execute the code.

Trying out

To test the wasmer version, execute ./gradlew functionalTest

To test the GraalVM version, execute ./gradlew graalFunctionalTest