
Graph Processing Algorithms on top of Neo4j

MIT License


Graph Processing

This code has been moved over to APOC.


This is an unmanaged extension with Graph Processing Algorithms on top of Neo4j.

  • Build Status

Quick Start

  1. Build it:

     mvn clean package
  2. Copy target/graph-processing-1.0.jar to the plugins/ directory of your Neo4j server.

     mv target/graph-processing-1.0.jar neo4j/plugins/.
  3. Download additional jars to the plugins/ directory of your Neo4j server.

     curl -O
     mv fastutil-7.0.2.jar neo4j/plugins/.
  4. Configure Neo4j by adding a line to conf/

  5. Start Neo4j server.

  6. Create the Movie Dataset:

     :play movies
  7. Create KNOWS relationships amongst actors:

     MATCH (a1:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]->(m)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(coActors)
     CREATE (a1)-[:KNOWS]->(coActors);
  8. Call the pagerank endpoint:

     curl http://neo4j:swordfish@localhost:7474/service/v1/pagerank/Person/KNOWS

You should see "PageRank for Person and KNOWS Completed!"

  1. Check the pageranks of some nodes:

     MATCH (n:Person) RETURN n ORDER BY n.pagerank DESC LIMIT 10;

Algorithms Implemented

  • Page Rank
  • Label Propagation
  • Union Find
  • Betweenness Centrality
  • Closeness Centrality
  • Degree Centrality


Replace "swordfish" below with your neo4j password. The available endpoints are:

    curl http://neo4j:swordfish@localhost:7474/service/v1/pagerank/{Label}/{RelationshipType}
    curl http://neo4j:swordfish@localhost:7474/service/v1/labelpropagation/{Label}/{RelationshipType}
    curl http://neo4j:swordfish@localhost:7474/service/v1/unionfind/{Label}/{RelationshipType}
    curl http://neo4j:swordfish@localhost:7474/service/v1/centrality/betweenness/{Label}/{RelationshipType}
    curl http://neo4j:swordfish@localhost:7474/service/v1/centrality/closeness/{Label}/{RelationshipType}
    curl http://neo4j:swordfish@localhost:7474/service/v1/centrality/degree/{Label}/{RelationshipType}
    curl http://neo4j:swordfish@localhost:7474/service/v1/centrality/indegree/{Label}/{RelationshipType}
    curl http://neo4j:swordfish@localhost:7474/service/v1/centrality/outdegree/{Label}/{RelationshipType}

An optional query parameter "iterations" has a default of 20.

    curl http://neo4j:swordfish@localhost:7474/service/v1/pagerank/{Label}/{RelationshipType}?iterations=25


There are some JMH performance tests included in this repository. Use IntelliJ and run them with the JMH Plugin.
