
WebHDFS Output plugin for Graylog

MIT License


Graylog WebHDFS Output Plugin

An output plugin to write messages to Hadoop HDFS over WebHDFS.

Tested with Hadoop 2.7.0.

The WebHDFS implementation uses modified code from webhdfs-java-client.

Getting started

To start using this plugin place this jar in the plugins directory and restart graylog server.

Following parameters can be configured while launching the plugin

  • Host - IP Address or hostname of the HDFS name node
  • Port - WebHDFS port configured in HDFS.
  • Username - Username of pseudo authentication (currently kerberos is not supported)
  • File path - Path of file to store the messages. File name can be formatted with message fields or date formats. E.g ${source}%Y%m_%d.log for storing the messages based source and day.
  • Message Format - Format of message to be written. Can be formatted with message fields like ${timestamp} | ${source} | ${short_message}
  • Flush interval - Interval in seconds to flush the data to HDFS. Value of 0 means immediate.