
A GROBID module for extracting and structuring medical reports into structured XML/TEI encoded documents


grobid-medical-report 🏥

grobid-medical-report is a GROBID module for extracting and restructuring medical reports from raw documents (PDF, text) into encoded documents (XML/TEI). All models built in this module are machine learning models that implement Wapiti CRF as Grobid's default models (it's possible to use deep learning models developed with DeLFT in Grobid as an alternative to the Wapiti CRF).

Clone and install GROBID

grobid-medical-report is a module of GROBID and therefore the installation of GROBID is required.


First, clone the latest version of GROBID. We can clone the forked project or the original GROBID repository (with slight adjustments to use grobid-medical-report module).

  1. Clone from the forked project:
$ git clone
  • Change directory (cd) to GROBID path
$ cd grobid
  • Switch to grobid-medical-report branch
$ git checkout grobid-medical-report

** OR ** 2. Clone from the original GROBID repository:

$ git
  • Change directory (cd) to GROBID path
$ cd grobid
  • In order not to interfere existing branches, it is recommended to create and switch to a new branch.
$ git checkout -b [NEW_BRANCH]
  • Slight adjustments
    1. Registration of the new model names in the GrobidModels class (grobid-core/src/main/java/org/grobid/core/
    2. Configuration of grobid-medical-report models in the grobid.yaml (grobid-home/config/grobid.yaml) by specifying:
      • Model names
      • Engine (machine learning with Wapiti or deep learning with Delft)
      • Training parameters
    3. Activation of the -readingOrder option to read the document block according to the reading order.

Install GROBID

Install and build GROBID:

$ ./gradlew clean install

To install and build GROBID under the proxy, we need to add the proxy host and port:

$  ./gradlew -DproxySet=true -DproxyHost=[proxy_host] -DproxyPort=[proxy_port] clean install

Clone and install grobid-medical-report

Make sure that the current working directory is grobid:

$ pwd
    --> grobid

Clone grobid-medical-report

Clone grobid-medical-report from this repository:

$ git clone
  • Change directory (cd) to grobid-medical-report path
$ cd grobid-medical-report
$ pwd
    --> grobid/grobid-medical-report

Install grobid-medical-report

Install and build grobid-medical-report:

$ ./gradlew clean install

To install and build grobid-medical-report under the proxy, we need to add the proxy host and port:

$  ./gradlew -DproxySet=true -DproxyHost=[proxy_host] -DproxyPort=[proxy_port] clean install


Following GROBID, grobid-medical-report also builds models with a waterfall (cascade) approach. We prepare 11 sequence labeling models to parse medical documents in different hierarchical structures of the document.

Using these models, we can extract medical documents, in this case in French, with the following steps:

  1. Firstly, we use the medical-report-segmenter model to segment the input document (PDF) into the header, the body, notes (headnote, footnote, left-note, right-note), and page sections.
  2. Then, from the results at the segmentation stage, we extract information on each part by using the appropriate model. For example, we use a header-medical-report model for extracting information concerning patients, medical personnel, and documents (e.g., document number, document type, and date) found in the header section.
  3. Information gathered from each section is aggregated using the full-medical-text model.
  4. In addition to the models for parsing and restructuring, we also provide the French-medical-NER model for recognizing medical terminologies found mainly in body parts.

Each of these models can be retrained by using additional data. A more detailed explanation of how to retrain and to evaluate the models can be found in Train and evaluate the models

API Services

Web-based application

A web-based front-end is provided for end-users to be able to use a number of methods and models in an attractive way, in addition to batch commands. To run the service, run the following command:

$ ./gradlew run

Service can be accessed via port 8090 (http://localhost:8090/). FromPDF2TEI

  1. To check whether the service is up:
    >>> The service will return whether it's up (true) or not (false)
  1. To get the service version and description:


More detailed explanations concerning API services provided by grobid-medical-report can be accessed here API services


This repository was originally prepared for a collaborative project between INRIA and APHP. Original datasets and models containing genuine sensitive data are not possible to share publicly.