
Holon Platform Vaadin UI 8 integration module. Provides the platform integration with the Vaadin web applications framework, focusing on the user interface components and data binding features using the Holon Platform Property model.

APACHE-2.0 License


Holon Vaadin module

Latest release: 5.4.0

This is the Vaadin 8+ UI module of the Holon Platform, which represents the platform support for the Vaadin web applications framework, focusing on the user interface components and data binding features.

The module main features are:

  • A Java API to build (using fluent builders), manage and use the web application UI components.
  • Integration with the platform foundation architecture, such as the Property model and the Datastore API, the authentication, authorization and localization support.
  • A powerful and easy to use View navigator to manage the web application virtual pages
  • Spring and Spring Boot integration

See the module documentation for details.

Just like any other platform module, this artifact is part of the Holon Platform ecosystem, but can be also used as a stand-alone library.

See the platform documentation for further details.

Other Vaadin platform versions

The Holon Platform Vaadin module si also available for:

Code structure

See Holon Platform code structure and conventions to learn about the "real Java API" philosophy with which the project codebase is developed and organized.

Getting started

System requirements

The Holon Platform is built using Java 8, so you need a JRE/JDK version 8 or above to use the platform artifacts.

Vaadin version 8.1 or higher is required.


See releases for the available releases. Each release tag provides a link to the closed issues.

Obtain the artifacts

The Holon Platform is open source and licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. All the artifacts (including binaries, sources and javadocs) are available from the Maven Central repository.

The Maven group id for this module is com.holon-platform.vaadin and a BOM (Bill of Materials) is provided to obtain the module artifacts:

Maven BOM:


See the Artifacts list for a list of the available artifacts of this module.

Using the Platform BOM

The Holon Platform provides an overall Maven BOM (Bill of Materials) to easily obtain all the available platform artifacts:

Platform Maven BOM:


See the Artifacts list for a list of the available artifacts of this module.

Build from sources

You can build the sources using Maven (version 3.3.x or above is recommended) like this:

mvn clean install

Getting help


See the Holon Platform examples repository for a set of example projects.


See Contributing to the Holon Platform.

Join the contribute Gitter room for any question and to contact us.


All the Holon Platform modules are Open Source software released under the Apache 2.0 license.

Artifacts list

Maven group id: com.holon-platform.vaadin

Artifact id Description
holon-vaadin Core artifact
holon-vaadin-navigator View navigation support
holon-vaadin-spring Spring integration
holon-vaadin-spring-boot Spring Boot integration
holon-starter-vaadin Spring Boot starter
holon-starter-vaadin-undertow Spring Boot starter using Undertow as embedded servlet container
holon-vaadin-bom Bill Of Materials
documentation-vaadin Documentation
Package Rankings
Top 33.91% on Repo1.maven.org
Extracted from project README
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