
A Jupyter kernel for Apache Camel routes

APACHE-2.0 License


ICamel — Jupyter kernel for Apache Camel

This kernel enables you to run Apache Camel routes in Jupyter notebooks.

Table of Contents


Supported Camel route languages

All route languages supported by Camel K except Kotlin are supported by ICamel. See the following links to learn how to write a Camel route with each language.

The opinionated default language for ICamel is JavaScript. To use other languages than JavaScript or XML, prepend a comment line // language=... at the beginning of each cell.

  • Groovy

    // language=groovy
        .process { it.in.body = 'Hello Camel K!' }
  • Java

    // language=java
    import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;
    public class Sample extends RouteBuilder {
        public void configure() throws Exception {
                  .constant("Hello Camel K!")
  • YAML

    - from:
      uri: "timer:tick"
        - set-body:
            constant: "Hello Camel K!"
        - to: "log:info"

Supported Camel components

At this moment, only components that are included in camel-core are supported. Automatic downloading of Camel component dependencies will be implemented in a future version.


Download the latest icamel-0.x-runner.jar from https://github.com/tadayosi/icamel/releases.

curl -LO https://github.com/tadayosi/icamel/releases/download/icamel-0.4.0/icamel-0.4.0-runner.jar

Then create a directory camel under the Jupyter kernels directory:

mkdir -p `jupyter --data-dir`/kernels/camel

and copy icamel-0.x-runner.jar into the directory:

cp icamel-0.x-runner.jar `jupyter --data-dir`/kernels/camel/

Finally, create a file kernel.json with the following content under the camel kernel directory. Note <your-camel-kernel-dir> needs to be substituted with the actual path (e.g. /home/<username>/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/camel):

  "argv": [
  "display_name": "Camel",
  "language": "camel",
  "interrupt_mode": "message",
  "env": {

See the example JSON file kernel.json for more configuration options.

Build from source

Run the following command:

mvn clean install