
The marriage of IntelliJ and Vim


IntelliVim Build Status

IntelliVim aims to expose the features from IntelliJ inside of Vim, in the spirit of Eclim.


While IntelliVim is still in the very early stages of development, and most features should still be assumed to be at the "proof of concept" stage, it does have a few tricks up its sleeve already.

Problem detection

Problems are marked with visual signs and added to the buffer's location list. Sometimes they can be fixed with :FixProblem.


Autocomplete is bound to omnifunc (<c-x><c-o>) and should work with YouCompleteMe out of the box.

Parameter Hints

If VeryHint is installed, parameter "hints" are shown inline.


:FindImplementations Populate and open the quickfix buffer with locations of implementations of the element under the cursor. If there was a single result, it is opened directly.

:FindUsages Populate and open the quickfix buffer with locations of usages for the element under the cursor. If there was a single result, it is opened directly.

:FixProblem Provide options for fixing the problem under the cursor. Press enter on the desired fix to attempt it. "Import Class" usually works, but other fixes are not thoroughly tested yet.

:GotoDeclaration Jump to the declaration of the element under the cursor. A split is opened if the declaration is in another file

:GetDocumentation Display the documentation for the element under the cursor in a preview window.

:Implement Generate method implementations/overrides. Press enter on a method to implement it, and q to quit. Visual selection to implement multiple at a time is supported.

:JavaNew <type> <name> Create a new Java type (class, @interface, etc.) with the given name. If provided eg org.intellivim.Test the class will be created in that package. Otherwise, IntelliVim will attempt to creat it in the same package as the current file (if any).

:JavaOptimizeImports Attempts to automatically add imports and organize them. Prompts for disambiguation if necessary. As the name implies, this one is currently Java only. Future work could let this pick the right implementation based on filetype (as RunTest does).

:Locate [type] Opens a search window for locating files. Optionally pass the type of thing to locate:

  • file Search by file name/path (default)
  • class Search by class name

:Rename [newName] Rename the element under the cursor. If a new name isn't passed to this command, a small buffer is opened so you can edit the name with all your usual vim bindings. Pressing enter in this buffer will commit the change; ctrl-c or q will cancel. When pressing enter, if the value has not changed, or if it is empty, nothing will happen.

:RunProject [config] Builds and runs the current project, opening a split to contain the output. Closing the split will terminate the execution, as will calling :Terminate from inside that window. Optionally pass config to specify which configuration to launch. Tab-completion is supported.

:RunList List run configurations and their types.

:RunTest Builds and runs the test case under the cursor, opening a split to contain the output with fancy test status visualization. Currently supports JUnit tests (See #5)


With the exception of setting the omnifunc per-buffer, IntelliVim does not come with any mappings by default. Feel free to use mine:

" 'java implement'
nnoremap <leader>ji :Implement<cr>
" 'java correct'
nnoremap <leader>jc :FixProblem<cr>
" 'fix imports'
nnoremap <leader>fi :JavaOptimizeImports<cr>
" muscle memory from eclim ("ProjectRun")
nnoremap <leader>pr :RunProject<cr>
" muscle memory from vim-fireplace
nnoremap cpr :RunTest<cr>
nnoremap gd :GotoDeclaration<cr>
nnoremap K :GetDocumentation<cr>


IntelliVim builds with Gradle. It is probably not at a point yet where we could upload it to the IntelliJ plugin repository, but you can build it yourself to play around with by cloning or forking this repo to your local machine and running:

./gradlew clean buildPlugin

Gradle will assemble an installable .zip file in the build/distributions/ directory.

Other Editors

There is no plan to offer first-party support for any editor besides Vim. That said, any editor that can make HTTP requests should be able to integrate with the server component that runs inside IntelliJ. Commands are POST'd to the server as a JSON object that gets inflated directly into an instance of ICommand and execute()'d. The result is returned as a JSON object with an error key if anything went wrong, else a result key containing whatever expected result for the command.

Some commands make use of or require asynchronous execution, and so must have client-specific code. This is facilitated through the use of @Inject'd interfaces, with implementations annotated with @ClientSpecific. For an example, see RunCommand, its AsyncRunner interface, and and the VimAsyncRunner implementation.