
Iterated Function System Explorer

OTHER License


IFS Explorer

Iterated Function System Explorer.

See the Exploring Iterated Function Systems article and the HTML documentation - also available as a PDF - for more details.


  • Live transform editor
    • Move, scale and rotate with mouse
    • Edit transform properties
    • Set affine matrix
    • Update configuration
  • Live reflection editor
  • Final co-ordinate transforms
  • IFS renderer
    • Colour and greyscale, with gamma
    • IFS, Measure Set and Fractal Top modes
    • Density estimation and Fractal Flame
    • Printing and export to PNG
    • Multi-threaded rendering
  • IFS details view
    • Transform matrix and reflection coordinates
    • HTML rendering and printing
  • Save and load as XML
  • Animated changes to IFS
  • Headless IFS image rendering

Program Requirements

  • Java 1.8.0+ Runtime Environment
  • Windows, Linux or OSX Operating System
  • Maven and 1.8.0+ JDK to build


  • Documentation
    • JavaDoc for whole codebase
    • Online HTML help
    • Illustrate rendering modes
  • Improved full-screen mode
  • IFS enhancements
    • Allow non-square aspect ratio
    • Use unit vectors as basis
  • Platform support
    • Web application and REST API
    • Android application
  • Animator enhancements
    • Document usage
    • JSON configuration file parser
    • Add camera movements (zoom and pan)
    • Graphical sequence editor
    • Scripted MPEG generation

Alongside these enhancements and new features, some of which are currently work-in-progress, both performance and UX improvements are always on-going.

Copyright 2012-2020 by Andrew Donald Kennedy and Licensed under the Apache Software License, Version 2.0