
Demonstrate overheads for various Java Collection implementations.

APACHE-2.0 License


Java Collection Overhead

Demonstrate overheads for various Java Collection implementations. This measures storing int data, excluding the cost of boxed Integers. This compares built-in Java, fastutil, Guava, and Trove collections. Tested with JDK 8 on x86-64 Linux with compressed Oops (default).


Measure per-entry overhead by creating a single large collection. Measure per-instance overhead by creating many small collections with a single element. This over-reports per-instance overhead by 4 bytes due to Collection<Collection>

Collection Per-entryOverhead (bytes) Per-instanceOverhead (bytes)
ArrayList 4 52
ImmutableList 4 20
LinkedList 24 60
TIntArrayList 4 52
TIntLinkedList 24 60
Cache 56 916
ConcurrentHashMap 40 180
ConcurrentSkipListMap 36 145
EnumMap n/a 124
HashMap 40 108
ImmutableMap 32 44
ImmutableRangeMap 64 116
ImmutableSortedMap 8 108
Int2IntAVLTreeMap 32 164
Int2IntLinkedOpenHashMap 32 188
Int2IntOpenHashMap 16 132
Int2IntRBTreeMap 32 452
LinkedHashMap 48 124
LongLongHashMap 32 116
MapMaker 40 244
TIntIntHashMap 18 156
TreeMap 40 92
TreeRangeMap 120 188
ConcurrentHashMultiset 56 220
HashMultiset 56 156
ImmutableMultiset 32 116
LinkedHashMultiset 64 172
TreeMultiset 56 212
ArrayDeque 8 108
ConcurrentLinkedDeque 24 76
PriorityQueue 4 60
ConcurrentSkipListSet 36 161
EnumSet n/a 36
HashSet 40 124
ImmutableRangeSet 60 100
ImmutableSet 12 28
ImmutableSortedSet 4 52
IntAVLTreeSet 32 140
IntLinkedOpenHashSet 24 132
IntOpenHashSet 8 84
IntRBTreeSet 32 436
LinkedHashSet 48 140
LongHashSet 16 76
TIntHashSet 8 116
TreeRangeSet 96 180
TreeSet 40 108

Collected via:

target/java-collection-overhead --list | grep -v Enum | while read c; do target/java-collection-overhead $c $((8 * 1024 * 1024)) 1 || break; done
target/java-collection-overhead --list | while read c; do target/java-collection-overhead $c 1 $((1024 * 1024)) || break; done



Copyright (C) 2018 Andrew Gaul

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0