
Spring example for java-ngrok

MIT License


java-ngrok Example - Spring

This is an example project that shows how to easily integrate java-ngrok with Spring.


Create a NgrokConfiguration class that lets us use the config to enable ngrok and pass it some useful parameters.

@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "ngrok")
public class NgrokConfiguration {
    private boolean enabled;

    private String region;

    public boolean isEnabled() {
        return enabled;

    public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) {
        this.enabled = enabled;

And pass parameters to our Spring application through our config file:

Application Integration

If ngrok.enabled config flag is set, we want to initialize java-ngrok when Spring is booting. An easy way to do this is by creating a Component with an EventListener that is executed when WebServerInitializedEvent is emitted.

public class NgrokWebServerEventListener {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NgrokWebServerEventListener.class);

    private final Environment environment;

    private final NgrokConfiguration ngrokConfiguration;

    public NgrokWebServerEventListener(final Environment environment,
                                       final NgrokConfiguration ngrokConfiguration) {
        this.environment = environment;
        this.ngrokConfiguration = ngrokConfiguration;

    public void onApplicationEvent(final WebServerInitializedEvent event) {
        // java-ngrok will only be installed, and should only ever be initialized, in a dev environment
        if (ngrokConfiguration.isEnabled() && isNotBlank(System.getenv("NGROK_AUTHTOKEN"))) {
            final JavaNgrokConfig javaNgrokConfig = new JavaNgrokConfig.Builder()
                    .withRegion(nonNull(ngrokConfiguration.getRegion()) ? Region.valueOf(ngrokConfiguration.getRegion().toUpperCase()) : null)
            final NgrokClient ngrokClient = new NgrokClient.Builder()

            final int port = event.getWebServer().getPort();

            final CreateTunnel createTunnel = new CreateTunnel.Builder()
            final Tunnel tunnel = ngrokClient.connect(createTunnel);

  "ngrok tunnel \"%s\" -> \"\"", tunnel.getPublicUrl(), port));

            // Update any base URLs or webhooks to use the public ngrok URL

    private void initWebhooks(final String publicUrl) {
        // Update inbound traffic via APIs to use the public-facing ngrok URL

Now Spring can be started by the usual means, setting ngrok.enabled in the config to open a tunnel.

  1. Run make build to build the application
  2. Start application with java -jar build/libs/java-ngrok-example-spring-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
  3. Check the logs for the ngrok tunnel's public URL, which should tunnel to http://localhost:8080