
English Center Management App


English Center Management App

This application streamlines English center operations, enhances student experience, and improves teacher-student communication. It's written in Java using JavaFX and Maven.

Table of Contents

Project Overview

This project, developed collaboratively with classmates, provided practical experience in system analysis and design.


  • Many English centers struggle with manual or inefficient management processes, hindering their growth and performance.
  • This application addresses these challenges with a user-friendly interface and robust features, improving efficiency and streamlining operations.

Research Problems

Traditional management methods often lack remote collaboration, pose security risks, and are not automation-friendly. Data management becomes increasingly difficult as English centers grow, leading to disorganization and communication issues. This application provides a solution with automation, a user-friendly UI, and diverse functionality.


  • Faster database searches.
  • Improved online communication between teachers and students.
  • Key features include:
    • Enrollment and placement test management.
    • Student/Teacher management.
    • User management.
    • Academic and classroom management.
    • Academic results and financial management.
    • Analysis/reporting.
    • Data recovery and backup.

Scope and Limitations

Due to time and resource constraints, the project focuses on:

  • User role assignment.
  • Class and lesson management.
  • User management.
  • Course and chapter management.
  • Schedule generation.
  • Attendance tracking.
  • Classroom management.
  • Analysis/reporting.

Development Tools

  • Visual Studio Code/ IntelliJ IDEA.
  • Java.
  • Oracle database.
  • Figma.
  • StarUML.

Requirement Specification

  • Survey of the Organization

    • Overview of the current organizational situation.
  • Survey of Business Processes and Major Activities

    Details the processes and activities for:

    • Board of Directors: Goal setting, board meetings, decision-making, financial oversight.
    • Business Department: Student enrollment, student database management, marketing, promotion, customer relationship management.
    • Accounting-Finance Department: Financial operations, record keeping, financial health.
    • Human Resources Department: Employee recruitment, development, performance management, compliance, work culture.
    • Academic Department: Managing teaching documents, providing an effective learning environment.
  • Software Requirements

    • Functional Requirements:
      • Data storage for accounts, students, rooms, courses, chapters, classes, lessons, attendance, materials.
      • Search functionality for classes, rooms, courses, users, chapters, lessons.
      • Statistical reporting with graphs and exportable class reports.
    • Non-Functional Requirements:
      • Usability, reliability, performance, security, maintainability.

Analysis and Design

Diagrams are available for:

  • Use-case Diagram: link
  • Use-case Specification and Activity Diagram: link
  • Sequence Diagram and Class Diagram: link
  • Class Diagram and Entity Class Diagram: link
  • State Diagram: link
  • Mapping to Relational Model from Entity Class Diagram: link

Implementation and Testing

  • Implementation Environment

    • Operating Systems: Windows 11, MacOS Ventura.
    • Database: Oracle database.
    • IDE: IntelliJ IDEA.
    • Programming Language: Java.
    • Libraries: JavaFX, Lombok, PDFBox.
  • User Interface

    Screenshots and explanations: link

Useful Links

  • Figma design: link


  • Le Quoc Khanh: Main developer, System architect, Project manager.
  • Le Gia Kiet: System analyst, Designer, Project sub-manager.
  • Ninh Thien Bao: Developer, Database administrator, Reporter.
  • Nguyen Thi Thuy: Reporter, Tester.


[email protected], [email protected]

Building and Running the App

  1. Clone the repository: git clone <repository_url>
  2. Open the project in your IDE.
  3. Build: mvn clean install
  4. Run: mvn javafx:run

Creating a .env File

  1. Create a file named .env in the project root directory.
  2. Add environment variables (replace placeholders with your values):
  3. Access environment variables in your Java code using Env.get("VARIABLE_NAME").