
Fluent Object-Oriented Wrapper of JDBC

OTHER License


More details are here: jdbc.jcabi.com.

Also, read this blog post: Fluent JDBC Decorator.

JdbcSession is a convenient fluent wrapper around JDBC:

import com.jcabi.jdbc.JdbcSession;
public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    String name = new JdbcSession(/* JDBC data source */)
      .sql("SELECT name FROM foo WHERE id = ?")
      .select(new SingleOutcome<String>(String.class));

How to contribute?

Fork the repository, make changes, submit a pull request. We promise to review your changes same day and apply to the master branch, if they look correct.

Please run Maven build before submitting a pull request:

$ mvn clean install -Pqulice

Please make sure that you're doing so under user account without administrative rights, otherwise the build will fail (postgresql instance needed for tests can't be launched under admin/root account).

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