
All the JIIT Webkiosk data in a library for Android Developers



All the JIIT Webkiosk data in a nice lib for Android Developers

To use this library in your project, do as follows:

  1. In your top level build.gradle file, in the repository section add the maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' } as shown below
allprojects {
  repositories {
    maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
  1. Add the JKioskLibrary dependency in your app level build.gradle file
compile 'com.github.gurleensethi:JKioskLibrary:v1.0.0'

Usage and API

All the apis can be accessed by using the JKiosk object, so suppose to access all semesters of a user, write JKiosk.getSemestersApi(). It will return the KioskSemester object which can be used to reterive the list of all semesters.

All the Api's will return a Kiosk object, this object contains the function to get the required data. To get the data a callback has to be registered, all the Kiosk objects takes an object of ResultCallbackContract that can be registered using addResultCallback(ResultCallbackContract<T> callback). The callback has has two methods, onResult(T result) and onError(Exception e). onResult(T result) will provide a Result object containing the required data.

      .addResultCallback(new ResultCallbackContract<ResultObject>() {
          public void onResult(ResultObject) {
              //Retrieve data take action
          public void onError(Exception e) {
              //Notify user about error

To remove a callback just call the removeCallback() function on the Kiosk object.


Since it takes a couple of seconds to get data from Webkiosk, JKiosk does all the processing in a background Thread and provides the result on Android's MainThread so you don't need to handle any kind of threading.


Supported Colleges

Currently only two colleges are supported:

  • JIIT (Code: JIIT)
  • JIIT-128 (Code: J128)

While creating an instance of WebkioskCredentials you have to select which college you are using.

WebkioskCredentials("enrollment", "dob", "password", "college-code");

There is a utlity class named Colleges that contains the codes of the supported colleges. So for JIIT-128 it will look something like this

WebkioskCredentials("enrollment", "dob", "password", Colleges.JIIT_128);

for JIIT-62

WebkioskCredentials("enrollment", "dob", "password", Colleges.JIIT_62);


WebkioskCredentials is a java object that is packaged with the library and is required by all the API's for proper functioning. Its contructor takes 4 parameters: new WebkioskCredentials(enrollmentNumber, dateOfBirth, password, college-code). All three parameters are of type String. The dateOfBirth has to be passed in the format: dd-mm-yyyy. The college codes can be accessed from the College utility class.


Obtain the KioskLogin object from JKiosk by calling the getLoginApi() method. KioskLogin contains a function named login(WebkioskCredentials) that takes WebkioskCredentials as a parameter. Add a callback to get the response from login API.

       .login(new WebkioskCredentials("enrollmentNumber", "dd-mm-yyyy", "password", "college-code"))
       .addResultCallback(new ResultCallbackContract<LoginResult>() {
            public void onResult(LoginResult result) {
                if (result.isValidCredentials()) {
                    //Login successful
                } else {
                    //Wrong credentials

            public void onError(Exception e) {
               //Handle any error here

The LoginResult object contains the result of login as a boolean value returned by the function isValidCredentials().

Go to the Best Practices section to learn and leverage the API in a better way.


Obtain the KioskSemesters object from JKiosk by calling the getSemestersApi() method. KioskSemesters contains a function named getSemesters(WebkioskCredentials) that takes WebkioskCredentials as a parameter. Add a callback to get the response from semesters API.

The semesters are in format like 2016EVESEM 2016ODDSEM 2017ODDSEM. These semester codes will be required in further API's to get semester specific data.

       .getSemesters(new WebkioskCredentials("enrollmentNumber", "dd-mm-yyyy", "password", "college-code"))
       .addResultCallback(new ResultCallbackContract<SemestersResult>() {
            public void onResult(SemestersResult result) {
                for (String semester : result.getSemesters()) {
                    Log.d("Semester", semester);

            public void onError(Exception e) {
                //Handle any error here

The SemestersResult object contains a list of semesters which can be accessed by calling getSemesters().

Go to the Best Practices section to learn and leverage the API in a better way.


Obtain the KioskSubjects object from JKiosk by calling the getSubjectsApi() method. KioskSubjects contains two functions named getSubjects(WebkioskCredentials) and getSubjects(WebkioskCredentials, Semester). Add a callback to get the response from subjects API.

getSubjects(WebkioskCredentials) takes a WebkioskCredentials object and returns the default data of the current semester.

getSubjects(WebkioskCredentials, Semester) takes an extra parameter semester which is the code for the semester you want the details for. Semesters codes can be obtained from the Semesters API. So to fetch details for the semester with code 2015EVESEM the function will be:

getSubjects(WebkioskCredentials, "2015EVESEM");
       .getSubjects(new WebkioskCredentials("enrollmentNumber", "dd-mm-yyyy", "password", "college-code"))
       .addResultCallback(new ResultCallbackContract<SubjectResult>() {
            public void onResult(SubjectResult result) {
                for (Subject subject : result.getSubjects()) {

            public void onError(Exception e) {
                //Handle any error here

The SubjectResult object contains a list of SubjectFaculty which can be accessed by calling getSubjects().

Go to the Best Practices section to learn and leverage the API in a better way.

Subject Faculty

Obtain the KioskSubjectFaculty object from JKiosk by calling the getSubjectFacultyApi() method. KioskSubjectFaculty contains two functions named getSubjectFaculty(WebkioskCredentials) and getSubjectFaculty(WebkioskCredentials, Semester). Add a callback to get the response from subject faculty API.

getSubjectFaculty(WebkioskCredentials) takes a WebkioskCredentials object and returns the default data of the current semester.

getSubjectFaculty(WebkioskCredentials, Semester) takes an extra parameter semester which is the code for the semester you want the details for. Semesters codes can be obtained from the Semesters API. So to fetch details for the semester with code 2015EVESEM the function will be:

getSubjectFaculty(WebkioskCredentials, "2015EVESEM");
       .getSubjectFaculty(new WebkioskCredentials("enrollmentNumber", "dd-mm-yyyy", "password", "college-code"))
       .addResultCallback(new ResultCallbackContract<SubjectFacultyResult>() {
            public void onResult(SubjectFacultyResult result) {
                for (SubjectFaculty subjectFaculty : result.getSubjectFaculties()) {

            public void onError(Exception e) {
                //Handle any error here

The SubjectFacultyResult object contains a list of SubjectFaculty which can be accessed by calling getSubjectFaculties().

Go to the Best Practices section to learn and leverage the API in a better way.


Obtain the KioskAttendance object from JKiosk by calling the getAttendanceApi() method. KioskAttendance contains two functions named getAttendance(WebkioskCredentials) and getAttendance(WebkioskCredentials, Semester). Add a callback to get the response from attendance API.

getAttendance(WebkioskCredentials) takes a WebkioskCredentials object and returns the default data of the current semester.

getAttendance(WebkioskCredentials, Semester) takes an extra parameter semester which is the code for the semester you want the details for. Semesters codes can be obtained from the Semesters API. So to fetch details for the semester with code 2015EVESEM the function will be:

getAttendance(WebkioskCredentials, "2015EVESEM");
       .getAttendance(new WebkioskCredentials("enrollmentNumber", "dd-mm-yyyy", "password", "college-code"))
       .addResultCallback(new ResultCallbackContract<AttendanceResult>() {
            public void onResult(AttendanceResult result) {
                for (Attendance attendance : result.getAttendances()) {
                    attendance.getDetailAttendanceUrl();    //Link used to fetch the detail attendance

            public void onError(Exception e) {
                //Handle any error here

The AttendanceResult object contains a list of Attendance which can be accessed by calling getAttendances().

If the subject is a particular type and doesn't have a particular attendance then it will return null. For example if a subject is practical type then it doesn't have lecture and tutorial attendance, so the getLectureAttendance() and getTutorialAttendance() will return null similary for a theory subject getPracticalAttendance() will return null.


To get the detailed attendance of a subject, grab the detail attendance url of that subject by calling the getDetailAttendanceUrl() and use it in the Detail Attendance Api.

Go to the Best Practices section to learn and leverage the API in a better way.

Detail Attendance

Obtain the KioskDetailAttendance object from JKiosk by calling the getDetailAttendanceApi() method. KioskDetailAttendance contains a function named getDetailAttendance(WebkioskCredentials, DetailAttendanceUrl). Add a callback to get the response from detail attendance API.

getDetailAttendance(WebkioskCredentials, DetailAttendanceUrl) takes a parameter DetailAttendanceUrl which is the link for the detail attendance of a subject that can be obtained when fetching attendance from the Attendance API.

       .getDetailAttendance(new WebkioskCredentials("enrollmentNumber", "dd-mm-yyyy", "password", "college-code"), "some long url")
       .addResultCallback(new ResultCallbackContract<AttendanceResult>() {
            public void onResult(AttendanceResult result) {
                for (DetailAttendance attendance : result.getDetailAttendances()) {
                    attendance.getStatus();    //Returns "Present" or "Absent"
                    attendance.getClassType();    //Returns "Regular" or "Extra"
                    attendance.getLtp();    //LTP tells lecture type, whether it is a lecture or tutorial

            public void onError(Exception e) {
                //Handle any error here

The DetailAttendanceResult object contains a list of DetailAttendance which can be accessed by calling getDetailAttendances().

Go to the Best Practices section to learn and leverage the API in a better way.

CGPA Report

Obtain the KioskCgpaReport object from JKiosk by calling the getCgpaReportApi() method. KioskCgpaReport contains a function named getCgpaReport(WebkioskCredentials). Add a callback to get the response from cgpa report API.

       .getCgpaReport(new WebkioskCredentials("enrollmentNumber", "dd-mm-yyyy", "password", "college-code"))
       .addResultCallback(new ResultCallbackContract<CgpaReportResult>() {
            public void onResult(CgpaReportResult result) {
                for (CgpaReport report : result.getCgpaReports()) {
                    report.getSemesterIndex();    //Semester number(1st semester, 2nd semester, etc)

            public void onError(Exception e) {
                //Handle any error here

The CgpaReportResult object contains a list of CgpaReport which can be accessed by calling getCgpaReport().

Exam Grades

Obtain the KioskExamGrades object from JKiosk by calling the getExamGradesApi() method. KioskExamGrades contains a function named getExamGrades(WebkioskCredentials, Semester). Add a callback to get the response from exam grades API.

       .getExamGrades(new WebkioskCredentials("enrollmentNumber", "dd-mm-yyyy", "password", "college-code"), "2015EVESEM")
       .addResultCallback(new ResultCallbackContract<ExamGradesResult>() {
            public void onResult(ExamGradesResult result) {
                for (ExamGrade examGrade : result.getExamGrades()) {

            public void onError(Exception e) {
                //Handle any error here

The ExamGradesResult object contains a list of ExamGrade which can be accessed by calling getExamGrades().

Go to the Best Practices section to learn and leverage the API in a better way.

Best Practices

Below are some of the best practices for this library. By no means you are confined to these practices, if something else works for you, great! These are practices that I have found to be helpful while developing and using this library.

  • Handling Activity Lifecycle

Eveny Kiosk object has two methods addResultCallback(ResultCallbackContract<T>) and removeCallback(), these methods can go hand in hand with your Activity/Fragment's lifecycle. Just initialize and add callback to your your Kiosk object in onCreate(Bundle) and remove the callback in onDestroy()

private KioskLogin mKioskLogin;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    mKioskLogin = JKiosk.getLoginApi();
    //Add callback
    mKioskLogin.login(new WebkioskCredentials("enrollmentNumber", "dd-mm-yyyy", "password", "college-code")
        .addResultCallback(new ResultCallbackContract<LoginResult>() {
            public void onResult(LoginResult result) {
                if (result.isValidCredentials()) {
                    //Login successful
                } else {
                    //Wrong credentials

            public void onError(Exception e) {
               //Handle any error here

protected void onDestroy() {
    //Remove callback
  • Removing Callbacks from Multiple Kiosk Api's at once

If you are using 2 or more Api's at once then you don't need to call removeCallback() on each one, you can make use of the KioskArray object. Just add all your Kiosk Api objects in KioskArray by using the method add() and call the removeAllCallbacks() method to remove callbacks from each one of them.

private KioskArray mKioskArray;
private KioskLogin mKioskLogin;
private KioskSemesters mKioskSemesters;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    mKioskArray = new KioskArray();
    mKioskLogin = JKiosk.getLoginApi();
    mKioskSemesters = JKiosk.getSemestersApi();
    mKioskLogin.login(new WebkioskCredentials("enrollmentNumber", "dd-mm-yyyy", "password", "college-code")
        .addResultCallback(new ResultCallbackContract<LoginResult>() {
    mKioskSemesters.getSemesters(new WebkioskCredentials("enrollmentNumber", "dd-mm-yyyy", "password", "college-code")
        .addResultCallback(new ResultCallbackContract<SemestersResult>() {
    //Add api's object to array

protected void onDestroy() {
    //Remove all callback at once
  • Detecting Invalid Credentials

Every time any Api is used it requires WebkioskCredentials, although you would get the credentials from the user and store it for future Api usage, there is alwasys a high probability that the credentials might change. In every Api call first the credentails are checked for validity, so if at any time the credentials are wrong InvalidCredentialsException is thown which is passed to the onError(Exception) function of the callback.

mKioskSemesters = JKiosk.getSemestersApi();

mKioskSemesters.getSemesters(new WebkioskCredentials("enrollmentNumber", "dd-mm-yyyy", "password", "college-code"))
       .addResultCallback(new ResultCallbackContract<SemestersResult>() {
            public void onResult(SemestersResult result) {

            public void onError(Exception e) {
                //Handle any error here
                if (e instanceof InvalidCredentialsException) {
                    //Take action and notify the user about wrong credentials


If you have any idea or need a change in the library or found a bug, please open an issue

Extracted from project README