
game framework and source for ludum dare compo


Katsu - Java 2D Game Framework based on LibGDX

This is my personal game framework for Ludum Dare (http://ludumdare.com/compo/) which I have been extending over time based on my needs during the compo. It's based on LibGDX and contains the source code and assets for my latest LD entry.


The project was originally generated by LibGDX and requires Gradle to build.


  • Gradle: katsu:desktop [run]
  • Directly: run the class KLauncher

Producing a build for distribution

Gradle: katsu:desktop [dist]

Game implementation

The game library itself is under core/src/katsu.

Each game has its own:

  • implementation package e.g. core/src/ld32 is my LD32 entry
  • resources folder e.g. core/assets/ld32/...
  • desktop launcher e.g. desktop/src/ld32/LD32Runner
    • this is set as the main class in build.gradle
    • the launcher must pass an instance of your implementation of KGame which is responsible for implementation specific details (level manager, sounds, settings and so on - the LD32 implementation hopefully shows what's needed here).


The code supports a -DdevMode=true parameter (add this to your run configuration) to enable some shortcuts/hacks/debug features while developing.

Credits & License