
An example application based on Kubernetes that consist of two service instance communicate through messages between each other.


Image Collector

It allows to collect and download the images from multiple image gallery. Right now, it supports only Flickr. The application runs in different modes as collector and downloader


  • Minikube
  • Kubernetes console tool (kubectl)
  • Docker
  • VirtualBox, KVM2 or other hypervisors supported by minikube if you need it.

How To Build The Project

$ docker build -t image-collector:latest -f infra/docker/Dockerfile .

How To Run The Project as Collector

docker run -it \
 -e SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE="collector" \
 -e SPRING_RABBITMQ_HOST=<rabbitmq host> \

How To Run The Project as Downloader

docker run -it \
 -e SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE="downloader" \
 -e SPRING_RABBITMQ_HOST=<rabbitmq host> \
 -e DOWNLOAD_PATH=/path/to/download \

Environment Variables:

SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE: (required) It can take one ofcollector or downloader values. SPRING_RABBITMQ_HOST (default: localhost) Rabbitmq host machine SPRING_RABBITMQ_USER (default: guest) Rabbitmq user SPRING_RABBITMQ_PASSWORD (default: guest) Rabbitmq password DOWNLOAD_PATH (default: application root) path to download the images

How To Create A Rabbitmq Instance for Test Purpose

docker run -d \
--name=rabbitmq \
-p5672:5672 \
-p15672:15672 \
--hostname=rabbitmq \

How To Run The Application By Using The Test RabbitMQ Instance

docker run \
-it \
--network=host \
 ... (Other environment variables that depend on the profile.) \

How To Deploy The Project To Local Kubernetes Cluster

  • Start minikube locally.
  • Compile the application and build the docker image by the build script infra/scripts/build_dev. Before run the command, please uncomment the line 3. in the script, if you're using minikube with VM(s).
$ infra/scripts/build_dev
  • Deploy the docker image to the local Kubernetes cluster by running the following command:
$ kubernetes apply -f infra/kub-config