
The Lecharny Challenge

OTHER License


= The Lecharny Challenge

image:https://travis-ci.org/melix/lecharny-challenge.svg?branch=master["Build Status", link="https://travis-ci.org/melix/lecharny-challenge"]

The goal of this repository is to check the performance of various implementations of an algorithm that:

  • given an input string
  • replaces all sequences of \r\n , \n\r , \r or \n with an empty string

Algorithm must be run in the JVM.

= Executing the benchmark

./gradlew jmh

= Correctness

The current version of the repository doesn't check the correctness of the algorithms. Some have been proposed which are incorrect!

Unit tests can be launched with:

./gradlew test

= Integration with IntelliJ

To use in IntelliJ, first run:

./gradlew idea

Then open the generated project.

= Results

Below you will find the latest results of the benchmark, as executed on Travis CI. This section is automatically updated.

// PLEASE DO NOT EDIT BELOW. // See gradle/results.gradle to understand why!

== Results on JDK 8

// start::jdk8 [cols="1,3,2,2", options="header"] .Table Benchmark results for string of length 10 on 1.8.0_31-b13 |=== |Rank |Method name |Score | Error (99.9%) |1 |unfold_cedric_groovy_bytecode |12419.097576 ops/ms |±458.455542 ops/ms

|2 |unfold_cedric_ultimate2 |11524.904731 ops/ms |±666.21508 ops/ms

|3 |unfold_henri_submethods |11488.363753 ops/ms |±671.588613 ops/ms

|4 |unfold_cedric_groovy |11174.810181 ops/ms |±462.282027 ops/ms

|5 |unfold_henri_noplusplus |11175.685567 ops/ms |±780.585313 ops/ms

|6 |unfold_cedric_improved |10513.470898 ops/ms |±678.919507 ops/ms

|7 |unfold_cedric_ultimate2_ternary |9966.606477 ops/ms |±362.027599 ops/ms

|8 |unfold_cedric_ultimate2_with_else |10339.670639 ops/ms |±785.722225 ops/ms

|9 |unfold_cedric_ultimate |9725.052979 ops/ms |±439.883214 ops/ms

|10 |unfold_olivier2 |9675.667659 ops/ms |±751.5411 ops/ms

|11 |unfold_cedric |8958.91786 ops/ms |±530.667819 ops/ms

|12 |unfold_henri_unsafe |8736.48777 ops/ms |±455.023759 ops/ms

|13 |unfold_henri_newarray |8097.344317 ops/ms |±325.147051 ops/ms

|14 |unfold_henri_arraycopy |7642.014567 ops/ms |±309.706984 ops/ms

|15 |unfold_mbo |4906.704772 ops/ms |±297.031283 ops/ms

|16 |unfold_unfold_common |2467.547191 ops/ms |±144.878713 ops/ms

|17 |unfold_regexp_compiled |1272.634591 ops/ms |±133.785178 ops/ms

|18 |unfold_regexp |595.388811 ops/ms |±52.27726 ops/ms


[cols="1,3,2,2", options="header"] .Table Benchmark results for string of length 100 on 1.8.0_31-b13 |=== |Rank |Method name |Score | Error (99.9%) |1 |unfold_henri_submethods |2243.671013 ops/ms |±173.908709 ops/ms

|2 |unfold_cedric_groovy_bytecode |2060.639382 ops/ms |±118.35026 ops/ms

|3 |unfold_cedric_ultimate2_ternary |2005.943506 ops/ms |±118.405046 ops/ms

|4 |unfold_henri_unsafe |1985.638652 ops/ms |±102.710527 ops/ms

|5 |unfold_cedric_improved |1917.934378 ops/ms |±78.411122 ops/ms

|6 |unfold_cedric_ultimate2 |1904.964311 ops/ms |±79.059848 ops/ms

|7 |unfold_cedric |1873.071049 ops/ms |±83.468155 ops/ms

|8 |unfold_cedric_ultimate |1863.209711 ops/ms |±74.972045 ops/ms

|9 |unfold_henri_newarray |1824.136328 ops/ms |±75.334293 ops/ms

|10 |unfold_cedric_groovy |1807.863598 ops/ms |±69.596639 ops/ms

|11 |unfold_henri_noplusplus |1827.793916 ops/ms |±101.543768 ops/ms

|12 |unfold_cedric_ultimate2_with_else |1819.778028 ops/ms |±118.92894 ops/ms

|13 |unfold_olivier2 |1415.163421 ops/ms |±68.077889 ops/ms

|14 |unfold_henri_arraycopy |1173.662984 ops/ms |±82.597036 ops/ms

|15 |unfold_mbo |916.567851 ops/ms |±64.959938 ops/ms

|16 |unfold_unfold_common |520.63022 ops/ms |±33.945404 ops/ms

|17 |unfold_regexp_compiled |152.525262 ops/ms |±13.450241 ops/ms

|18 |unfold_regexp |124.760325 ops/ms |±12.350367 ops/ms


[cols="1,3,2,2", options="header"] .Table Benchmark results for string of length 1000 on 1.8.0_31-b13 |=== |Rank |Method name |Score | Error (99.9%) |1 |unfold_cedric_ultimate2_ternary |226.845449 ops/ms |±8.987402 ops/ms

|2 |unfold_cedric_groovy_bytecode |220.725286 ops/ms |±8.806618 ops/ms

|3 |unfold_cedric_ultimate2_with_else |220.774934 ops/ms |±11.432734 ops/ms

|4 |unfold_henri_noplusplus |217.321365 ops/ms |±10.840238 ops/ms

|5 |unfold_cedric_ultimate2 |214.550734 ops/ms |±8.539285 ops/ms

|6 |unfold_henri_submethods |221.681144 ops/ms |±15.785728 ops/ms

|7 |unfold_cedric_improved |216.479458 ops/ms |±11.462393 ops/ms

|8 |unfold_cedric_groovy |216.990974 ops/ms |±13.258135 ops/ms

|9 |unfold_cedric |214.13067 ops/ms |±11.371823 ops/ms

|10 |unfold_henri_unsafe |210.126036 ops/ms |±8.823264 ops/ms

|11 |unfold_cedric_ultimate |211.861753 ops/ms |±15.525682 ops/ms

|12 |unfold_henri_newarray |168.229582 ops/ms |±17.591137 ops/ms

|13 |unfold_olivier2 |157.757123 ops/ms |±9.48091 ops/ms

|14 |unfold_henri_arraycopy |140.572364 ops/ms |±5.392124 ops/ms

|15 |unfold_mbo |135.352438 ops/ms |±10.998065 ops/ms

|16 |unfold_unfold_common |37.122742 ops/ms |±2.250556 ops/ms

|17 |unfold_regexp_compiled |17.227399 ops/ms |±0.924805 ops/ms

|18 |unfold_regexp |15.860737 ops/ms |±0.993859 ops/ms


// end::jdk8

== Results on JDK 7

// start::jdk7 [cols="1,3,2,2", options="header"] .Table Benchmark results for string of length 10 on 1.7.0_75-b13 |=== |Rank |Method name |Score | Error (99.9%) |1 |unfold_cedric_ultimate |10997.826301 ops/ms |±602.466697 ops/ms

|2 |unfold_cedric_groovy |10872.606492 ops/ms |±728.105386 ops/ms

|3 |unfold_cedric_ultimate2 |10576.627126 ops/ms |±469.151759 ops/ms

|4 |unfold_cedric_ultimate2_ternary |10681.767828 ops/ms |±639.867739 ops/ms

|5 |unfold_olivier2 |9929.458489 ops/ms |±552.416991 ops/ms

|6 |unfold_cedric_groovy_bytecode |10040.547487 ops/ms |±663.650606 ops/ms

|7 |unfold_cedric_ultimate2_with_else |10325.479114 ops/ms |±996.679597 ops/ms

|8 |unfold_cedric_improved |9220.241219 ops/ms |±693.26439 ops/ms

|9 |unfold_cedric |8528.12683 ops/ms |±446.946111 ops/ms

|10 |unfold_henri_newarray |8585.615939 ops/ms |±632.299439 ops/ms

|11 |unfold_henri_arraycopy |8227.585392 ops/ms |±371.996952 ops/ms

|12 |unfold_henri_submethods |8514.902272 ops/ms |±869.682429 ops/ms

|13 |unfold_henri_unsafe |7628.728425 ops/ms |±467.25411 ops/ms

|14 |unfold_henri_noplusplus |7299.802972 ops/ms |±826.58231 ops/ms

|15 |unfold_mbo |5263.955863 ops/ms |±293.690536 ops/ms

|16 |unfold_unfold_common |2441.816295 ops/ms |±64.87427 ops/ms

|17 |unfold_regexp_compiled |1336.048362 ops/ms |±25.195519 ops/ms

|18 |unfold_regexp |674.031553 ops/ms |±13.429436 ops/ms


[cols="1,3,2,2", options="header"] .Table Benchmark results for string of length 100 on 1.7.0_75-b13 |=== |Rank |Method name |Score | Error (99.9%) |1 |unfold_cedric_ultimate |2295.644215 ops/ms |±131.357414 ops/ms

|2 |unfold_cedric_ultimate2_ternary |2259.167874 ops/ms |±98.372213 ops/ms

|3 |unfold_cedric |2243.461774 ops/ms |±124.004684 ops/ms

|4 |unfold_cedric_groovy |2093.611897 ops/ms |±105.713699 ops/ms

|5 |unfold_cedric_ultimate2_with_else |2082.053588 ops/ms |±109.188522 ops/ms

|6 |unfold_cedric_ultimate2 |2127.07668 ops/ms |±169.61026 ops/ms

|7 |unfold_cedric_groovy_bytecode |2110.024547 ops/ms |±209.709775 ops/ms

|8 |unfold_henri_submethods |1956.048588 ops/ms |±164.569834 ops/ms

|9 |unfold_henri_newarray |1862.589379 ops/ms |±170.034525 ops/ms

|10 |unfold_henri_arraycopy |1755.024538 ops/ms |±98.916633 ops/ms

|11 |unfold_henri_unsafe |1683.468014 ops/ms |±112.263334 ops/ms

|12 |unfold_cedric_improved |1651.29165 ops/ms |±84.355376 ops/ms

|13 |unfold_henri_noplusplus |1614.447354 ops/ms |±112.454221 ops/ms

|14 |unfold_olivier2 |1533.292056 ops/ms |±91.62525 ops/ms

|15 |unfold_mbo |1269.772558 ops/ms |±48.193287 ops/ms

|16 |unfold_unfold_common |533.208987 ops/ms |±36.116649 ops/ms

|17 |unfold_regexp_compiled |175.705716 ops/ms |±7.122307 ops/ms

|18 |unfold_regexp |147.545517 ops/ms |±8.556775 ops/ms


[cols="1,3,2,2", options="header"] .Table Benchmark results for string of length 1000 on 1.7.0_75-b13 |=== |Rank |Method name |Score | Error (99.9%) |1 |unfold_cedric_ultimate |263.378827 ops/ms |±13.089815 ops/ms

|2 |unfold_cedric_groovy |259.66009 ops/ms |±9.383269 ops/ms

|3 |unfold_cedric_ultimate2_ternary |262.351076 ops/ms |±15.570974 ops/ms

|4 |unfold_cedric_ultimate2_with_else |252.330184 ops/ms |±8.155953 ops/ms

|5 |unfold_cedric_ultimate2 |250.086055 ops/ms |±16.52759 ops/ms

|6 |unfold_henri_submethods |246.394952 ops/ms |±16.035919 ops/ms

|7 |unfold_cedric |234.476694 ops/ms |±16.042577 ops/ms

|8 |unfold_cedric_groovy_bytecode |242.253007 ops/ms |±26.923419 ops/ms

|9 |unfold_cedric_improved |211.226187 ops/ms |±9.418537 ops/ms

|10 |unfold_henri_noplusplus |216.270965 ops/ms |±17.204995 ops/ms

|11 |unfold_olivier2 |197.126653 ops/ms |±5.406307 ops/ms

|12 |unfold_henri_unsafe |197.062671 ops/ms |±6.63158 ops/ms

|13 |unfold_henri_arraycopy |195.810485 ops/ms |±9.05922 ops/ms

|14 |unfold_mbo |174.787274 ops/ms |±8.240503 ops/ms

|15 |unfold_henri_newarray |173.597576 ops/ms |±23.716838 ops/ms

|16 |unfold_unfold_common |45.553601 ops/ms |±2.20512 ops/ms

|17 |unfold_regexp |18.514202 ops/ms |±0.853285 ops/ms

|18 |unfold_regexp_compiled |18.644011 ops/ms |±1.442136 ops/ms


// end::jdk7

== Results on JDK 6

// start::jdk6 Please check the CI build image:https://travis-ci.org/melix/lecharny-challenge.svg?branch=master["Build Status", link="https://travis-ci.org/melix/lecharny-challenge"] because the results for JDK 6 cannot be automatically fetched. // end::jdk6