
A basic Lexical-Analyzer written in Java.


Lexical Analyzer

The task of translating high level code, i.e., programming languages, into a format that can be understood by a computer - binary code - is the main job of a compiler. Speaking in a simple way, the compiler can be splited in 3 parts:

  • Lexical Analyzer (LA)
  • Syntax Analyzer (SA)
  • Semantic Analyzer (SMA)

The Lexical Analyzer is responsible for separating the source code into lexemes, which are the words that compose the code. After separating all lexemes, the LA classifies them using Token classification. Keywords, Special Symbols, Identifiers and Operators, are examples of tokens. Removing white spaces and comments from the compiled code is also a role played by the Lexical Analyzer. The output of this process is a table containing the lexemes and their token classification. Lexical errors as invalid constructions of lexemes, e.g. '12variableName', 'na;;me', are also captured by the LA.

This project is an implementation of a simple Lexical Analyzer made in Java. It provides a GUI where the user can type the code and get the tokens of it. It is also possible to load the code from a file and make the analysis.

Recognized Tokens

The Lexical Analyzer of this project recognizes the following classes of tokens:

  • IDENTIFIER - Variable names;
  • STRING - Words between double quotes "";
  • INTEGER - Number with no dot ( . );
  • FLOAT - Float point numbers;
  • PLUS - ( + );
  • MINUS - ( - );
  • TIMES - ( * ),
  • DIVIDE - ( / );
  • KEYWORD - for, while, do, if, else, print, switch, case, default and
  • ASSIGN_OP - Assignment operator ( = );
  • SEMICOLON - ( ; )
  • LEFT_BRACE - ( { );
  • RIGHT_BRACE - ( } );
  • COMMA - ( , );
  • DOT - ( . );
  • DOTDOT - ( .. );
  • COLON - ( : );
  • EQUAL - ( == );
  • LOWER_OR_EQUALS - ( <= );
  • GREATER_OR_EQUALS - ( >= );
  • NOT_EQUALS - ( <> );
  • GREATER_THAN - ( > );
  • LOWER_THAN - ( < );
  • AT_SIGN - ( @ ).

P.S. 1: Sentences initiated by // or chunks of sentences between / / are considered comments and are not mentioned in the output.

P.S. 2: The lexemes must be separated by at least one white space(' ') to be recognized as separated things.



This is a very simple example that demonstrates how a Lexical Analyzer can be implemented. This project is also a usage example of Finite-State Automata, a very powerful and useful tool.