
Light Factory OSC Proxy

APACHE-2.0 License


LightFactory-OSC Proxy

LightFactory-OSC Proxy Service, enables Open Sound Control messages to be sent from LightFactory using the built in CONNECT and SEND functions. In addition to control LightFactory from a OSC enabled application.

Using LightFactory create a connection to the LightFactory-OSC Proxy service (may want to create a macro so it can be used in a cue)

  • CONNECT <server or ip with the proxy> - Once connected you can then send commands to this enpoint.
  • SEND <server or ip> osc@<target osc endpoint> /message/command data - the SEND option can be used with or without the ip

Using an OSC event to control LightFactory via LightFactory-OSC Proxy service

  • connect to the LF-OSC Proxy from your OSC enabled application - Once connected you can then send OSC events to this enpoint to hit any number of LightFactory instances.
  • /lf/<lightfactory-ip>:<port>/<lf cli command data> - the OSC event contains the destination LightFactory instance along with the LightFactory CLI command.

Download Binary Files

Building LightFactory-OSC Proxy

  • requires Java7 and Maven 3
  • mvn clean package - will create an all in one runnable jar file
  • java -jar lf-osc-proxy-0.2-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar - Will run the proxy and listen on for LF commands and for OSC events, use -? to determine flags to change bind address and port.

Command Line Options

Option                                  Description
------                                  -----------
-? [This help message]
-b [bind address]                       (default:
-l [Integer: osc bind port]             (default: 3200)
-m [Proxy mode (osc | bridge | both)]   (default: both)
-p [Integer: bind port]                 (default: 3100)
-t [Integer: max number of socket       (default: 100)


Always looking to make this better. If you have an idea but cannot code, create an issue and I will look at it. Otherwise fork the project and have fun. Once your done create a pull-request. Please DO NOT increment the version in the POM file. All PR should include tests and pass in Travis-CI.