


During Cay Horstmann's recent talk about teaching Java at the JChampionsConf 2022 (https://youtu.be/N1gFn07CzA0), we heard about ten loop patterns that appear over and over. New programmers seem to find loops and arrays the most challenging when they are learning a new language.

Professor Horstmann writes about this some more in his blog: https://horstmann.com/unblog/2022-01-25/

The purpose of this project is for you to try to solve the loops, given the pseudocode in the article. First try and solve them with simple loops, and then try doing the same thing with Java streams or other API calls.

If you like, you can compare your loop solution with my branch solution-loops and your streams solution with my branch solution-api.

Have fun!

And thank you very much to Cay Horstmann for this fantastic insight.

Heinz Kabutz

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