
Javamail support for sending emails into text file and via JMS queue that speeds up sending process.

APACHE-2.0 License


javaMail extensions

More info on Wiki

For developers:

Allows sending emails form your application using java.mail.Session to a file that is helpful during development phase. file transport

For admins:

Allows also sending emails using java.mail.Session to JMS queue and than via SMTP. This solutions seeds up sending process because it does not require to connect to real smtp server. It can be deployed on application server (as default mailSession) and it's completely transparent for applications. You can choose transport one of:

  • filemsg = emails are saved to files in mbox format
  • filetxt = emails are saved to files in text format (only headers and text/plain part of message)
  • nop = no file is created, only info in logs

Project modules:

  • javamail-file-transport = javaMail transport that stores emails in files - for developers
  • javamail-jms-transport = javaMail transport that sends email to JMS queue - for admins
  • javamail-jms2javamail = an EJB that copies emails from JMS to real javaMail session - for admins


For configuration examples see docs/

Webapp demo (Jetty)

It takes 5 steps only to see how it works. You can download a webapp application, which works with jetty to see how it works.

  1. Clone project git clone
  2. Enter javamail-test-webapp directory cd javamail/docs/examples/webapp-example/
  3. Run it with maven and jetty mvn jetty:run
  4. Go to http://localhost:8080/webapp and click to send an email
  5. Use your favourite text editor to view an email located in target/messages directory


Apache License 2.0

Problems and questions

In case of problems or questions contact me by creating an issue on GitHub or via .