
APT based YAML databinder for gwt/j2cl

APACHE-2.0 License



mapper-yaml is an annotation-processor-based mapper that works both on the client side - GWT and J2CL - and on the JVM side with "Code-first" approach.

Get started

  1. Add relevant dependencies to your pom.xml


  1. In case you use GWT2, add the inherits directive to your gwt.xml file:
<inherits name='org.treblereel.gwt.yaml.Mapper' />
  1. Annotate POJOs with the @JSONMapper annotation:
import org.treblereel.gwt.yaml.mapper.annotation.YAMLMapper;
public class Person {
  private String firstName;
  private String secondName;
  private int age;
  private Address address;

  public Person() {}

  public Person(String firstName, String secondName, int age, Address address) {
    this.firstName = firstName;
    this.secondName = secondName;
    this.age = age;
    this.address = address;

  ...getters/setters omitted...
public class Address {

  private String country;
  private String city;
  private String street;

  public Address() {}

  public Address(String country, String city, String street) { = country; = city;
    this.street = street;

  ...getters/setters omitted...

Setup is complete.

Using JSON mapper

The annotation processor will generate the JSON mapper for the Person class.

Example of serializing Person to YAML:

Person_JsonMapperImpl mapper = new Person_YamlMapperImpl();

Person test = new Person("AAA", "BBB", 99, new Address("CCC", "DDD", "EEE"));

String yaml = mapper.write(person);

        firstName: AAA
        secondName: BBB
        age: 99
          country: CCC
          city: DDD
          street: EEE

Example of deserializing to POJO:

Person_JsonMapperImpl mapper = new Person_YamlMapperImpl();

        String YAML =
        "firstName: AAA"
        + System.lineSeparator()
        + "secondName: BBB"
        + System.lineSeparator()
        + "age: 99"
        + System.lineSeparator()
        + "address:"
        + System.lineSeparator()
        + "  country: CCC"
        + System.lineSeparator()
        + "  city: DDD"
        + System.lineSeparator()
        + "  street: EEE";

Person person =;

Supported annotations and data types:

Supported annotations:


In this example, the @YamlProperty annotation is applied to the name field. This tells the library to use "_name" as the name of the property when serializing and deserializing the object to and from YAML. When the object is serialized to YAML, the "name" field will be written as "_name". When the object is deserialized from YAML, the YAML property "_name" will be mapped to the "name" field.

  • field
public static class Tested {
    private String name;

//"_name: zzz"



Annotation provides way how to set custom JsonbSerializer/JsonbDeserializer to field or JavaBean property.

In this example, the @YamlTypeSerializer annotation is applied to the value field. It specifies that the HolderSerializer class should be used to serialize the data field. The HolderSerializer class implements the YAMLSerializer interface and provides a serialize method that is used to convert the data field to a Node in YAML. Pretty much the same is about @YamlTypeDeserializer.

  • field
  • type
    private Object value;


  public class HolderSerializer implements YAMLSerializer, YAMLDeserializer {

    public void serialize(
            YAMLWriter writer, String propertyName, Object value, YAMLSerializationContext ctx) {
        Holder holder = (Holder) value;
        writer.value(propertyName, holder.value.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT));

    public void serialize(YAMLSequenceWriter writer, Object value, YAMLSerializationContext ctx) {
        Holder holder = (Holder) value;

    public Object deserialize(YamlMapping yaml, String key, YAMLDeserializationContext ctx)
            throws YAMLDeserializationException {
        return deserialize(yaml.value(key), ctx);

    public Object deserialize(YamlNode value, YAMLDeserializationContext ctx) {
        if (value == null || value.isEmpty()) {
            return null;
        Holder holder = new Holder();
        holder.value = value.asScalar().value().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
        return holder;


In this example, the @YamlTransient annotation is applied to the password field. This tells the library to exclude the password field when serializing and deserializing the object to and from YAML. When the object is serialized to YAML, the password field will not be written. When the object is deserialized from YAML, the field password will not be mapped from the YAML.

  • field
public class Example {

    private String password;

    public String getPassword() {
        return password;

    public void setPassword(String password) {
        this.password = password;


Here is an example of using the @YamlTypeInfo annotation in a Java class to specify how the type of a property should be handled when it is converted to and from Yaml:

In this example, the @YamlTypeInfo annotation is applied to Animal class. It specifies that the type of the data field should be handled using the YamlTypeInfo.DEFAULT_KEY_NAME value which means that the type of the data field is represented by a YamlSubtype.alias that specifies the alias of the class.

public class PetShop {

    private Animal animal;  // or List<Animal>


@YamlSubtype(alias = "dog", type = Dog.class),
@YamlSubtype(alias = "cat", type = Cat.class),
@YamlSubtype(alias = "rat", type = Rat.class)
public interface Animal {}


The @YamlPropertyOrder annotation is used to specify the order in which the properties of a Java object should be serialized to YAML. When this annotation is applied to a class, the properties listed within it will be serialized in the order they are listed. For example, if you have a class Person with properties name, age, and address, and you want the YAML representation to have the properties listed in the order name, address, age, you would use the annotation like this:

@YamlPropertyOrder({"name", "address", "age"})
public class Person {
    private String name;
    private int age;
    private String address;
    // getters and setters