
A POC which demonstrates repository injection with Apache Maven


Maven repository injection vulnerability

This project demonstrates that all Apache Maven™ projects are vulnerable to repository injection.

The POC consists of several modules organized in a single Maven build for practical reasons but would be separate in a read-world attack:

  • the main module (root) just aggregates the different parts of the POC
  • the app module demonstrates a vulnerable build
    • this build has a dependency on the innocent module
    • as well as a dependency on Apache Commons Lang3
    • it uses code from Apache Lang3 and expects that the dependency will be fetched from Maven Central
  • the innocent module is the attacker dependency
    • it declares a dependency on Apache Commons Lang3
    • and a custom repository which will contain a malicious version of Apache Commons Lang3
  • the malicious module impersonates Apache Lang3
    • it implements its API, making it impossible for the victim to figure out that it was substituted
    • introduces malicious code
    • is published in the malicious repository


Note that the commands below use -gs ../settings.xml to use an alternate settings file, in order to make sure that we don't use the local .m2 cache for the demonstration.

The first thing to do is to populate the malicious repository with the malicious dependency:

cd malicious
mvn -gs ../settings.xml deploy

Then publish the attacker library:

cd innocent
mvn -gs ../settings.xml install    

Then go to the app victim directory and execute the application:

cd ../app
mvn -gs ../settings.xml exec:java

The output will be:

You've been pwned! Hello, world!

Instead of the expected:

Hello, World!


Apache Maven blindly uses repositories defined by transitive dependencies. Because Maven uses the nearest first strategy, the first dependency it sees in this build is innocent, which defines a malicious repository. Then it sees the dependency on org.apache.commons:commons-lang3 and tries to download it. Because the dependency was made available via the innocent dependency and its vulnerable repository, the real Apache Commons Lang3 dependency is NOT fetched from Maven Central.


This is a design flaw in Apache Maven: transitive repositories should never be used automatically. Repositories should be redeclared on the consumer side. It is however possible to mitigate by defining a mirror for the malicious repository by pointing the mirror to a sane repository.

It's worth noting that if the dependency was previously fetched into the local .m2 repository, then Maven would not try to download it from the malicious repository.