
⚙️ Integration between Micronaut and ArangoDB.

APACHE-2.0 License


Micronaut ArangoDB Configuration

This project includes integration between Micronaut and ArangoDB.

Dependency 🚀


implementation "com.github.goodforgod:micronaut-arangodb:5.0.0"




Includes a configuration to automatically configure the native ArangoDB Java drive. Just configure the host, port, credentials (if needed) of the ArangoDB accessor in application.yml.

  host: localhost     # default
  port: 8529          # default
  database: _system   # default (is used for health check)
  user: root          # default
  password: 1234      # or no pass if auth is not required


ArangoDB accessor is available for dependency injection.

Accessors injected as singleton beans remember that while using them.

private ArangoDB accessor;

In case you want inject clients as prototypes you can use named bean injection.

private ArangoDB accessor;    


You can provide custom ArangoSerde serialization module as bean, and it will be used while building ArangoDB accessor or client.

ArangoSerialization factory example:

public class ArangoSerdeFactory {

    public ArangoSerde getArangoSerde() {
        return new JacksonSerdeImpl(new ObjectMapper());


Configuration supports setup database for your application (ArangoDB accessors do not require or have database config).

In order to use database specified as per configuration inject provided Arango Clients instead.

Clients injected as singletons beans remember that while using them.

private ArangoClient client;

Both clients provide as sync and async implementation and are same accessors but with knowledge about database specified per config. So you can use connection with knowledge about database your app is working with.

class ArangoClientTests {

    private ArangoClient client;    

    void checkConfiguredDatabase() {
        final String databaseSync = client.getDatabase(); // Database as per config
        assertEquals(database, database);

In case you want inject clients as prototypes you can use named bean injection.

private ArangoClient client;    

Configuring ArangoDB Driver

All accessors and clients are provided as refreshable with arangodb key for bean refresh.

Configuration supports all available ArangoDB driver settings.

Configuring timeout, chunksize, maxConnections, connectionTtl, acquireHostList, loadBalancingStrategy for clients & accessors

Check ArangoDB official info about each parameter.

  hosts: localhost:8080,localhost:8081    # default - null
  user: user                              # default - root
  password: password                      # default - null
  database: _system                       # default - _system
  protocol: HTTP2_JSON                    # default - HTTP2_JSON
  jwt: YourToken                          # default - null
  chunksize: 3000                         # default - 30000
  timeout: 60s                            # default - 60000 in milliseconds (1 min)
  connection-max: 30                      # default - 1
  connection-ttl: 2000ms                  # default - null
  keep-alive-interval: 2000ms             # default - null
  verify-host: true                       # default - true
  acquire-host-list: true                 # default - false
  acquire-host-list-interval: 1h          # default - 3600000 in millis (1 hour)
  load-balancing-strategy: ONE_RANDOM     # default - NONE (check LoadBalancingStrategy for more)
  response-queue-time-samples: 10         # default - 10

Hosts can be passed to configuration as Strings (useful when passed via environment):

  hosts: localhost:8080,localhost:8081    # default to host - localhost:8080

Or can be passed as list (useful for manual configuring):

    - localhost:8080
    - localhost:8081

Configuring SSL

Configured SSLContext for ArangoDB driver.

Check for more info.

    enabled: true                       # default - false
      enabled: true
      value:                            # certificate as base64
      alias: arangodb
      type: X.509
      algorithm: PKIX
      key-store: jks
      protocol: TLS

Database Initialization

There is an option to initialize database if it doesn't exist on startup via createDatabaseIfNotExist option.

Use this option if your service is lazy initialized, to set up database for HealthCheck.

  create-database-if-not-exist: true    # default - false

Default timeout for operation set to 10000 millis, if you want to specify timeout in seconds for database creation on startup you can set it via property.

  create-database-timeout: 10000ms      # default - 10000

In case you want to create database asynchronously you can specify that via this property:

  create-database-async: true           # default - false

Micronaut Serialization

Library support by default Micronaut Serialization module if found on classpath, please check Micronaut documentation on how to configure it and use it.

In case you would like to disable Micronaut Serialization for ArangoDB module only, use option below:

    enabled: true     # default - true

Health Check

Health check for ArangoDB is provided and is turned on by default. HeathCheck is active for database that is specified in configuration.

ArangoDB health check is part of Micronaut Health Endpoint.

Example of ArangoDB health:

  "name": "service",
  "status": "UP",
  "details": {
    "arangodb": {
      "name": "arangodb",
      "status": "UP",
      "details": {
        "version": "3.7.13",
        "database": "_system"

Where database version is specified and database name service is connected to as per configuration.

You can explicitly turn off health check.

      enabled: true             # default - true 
      timeout: 5000ms           # default - 5000
      retry: 2                  # default - 2

Cluster Health Check

There is also available ArangoDB Cluster Health Check that monitors cluster health (if service is connected to cluster ArangoDB) and reports is nodes that can not be deleted according to documentation from cluster are down, so application is also down.

In other case application will be UP and running with errors like various connection issues due to unstable cluster.

Both health checks will be present in health output if all are enabled.

ArangoDB Cluster Health output example:

  "name": "service-name",
  "status": "DOWN",
  "details": {
    "arangodb-cluster": {
      "name": "service-name",
      "status": "DOWN",
      "details": {
        "clusterId": "752f578b-8884-47ef-8984-894ae110d259",
        "version": "3.7.13",
        "database": "_system",
        "cluster": [
            "status": "UP",
            "nodes": [
              "Agent Leader",
            "status": "DOWN",
            "nodes": [

HealthCheck provides status of each node in cluster and their ShortName for DBServer and Coordinator or NodeID for Agent nodes and flag for leading Agent node.

You can turn on Cluster Health Check via configuration:

        enabled: false            # default - false 
        timeout: 5000ms           # default - 5000
        retry: 2                  # default - 2


For testing purposes it is recommended to use ArangoDB TestContainer library (this project tested via that library).

TestContainers allows you to use integration tests against real database in all docker friendly environments, check here for TestContainers.

Micronaut Compatability

Starting from version 5.0.0 library ships for Micronaut 4 and Java 17 is required.

Starting from version 3.0.0 library ships for Micronaut 3.

Starting from version 2.0.0 library ships for Micronaut 2.

Starting from version 2.1.0 Java 11+ is required (previous version 1.8+ compatible).

Last release for Micronaut 1 is version 1.2.1.


This project licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.

Package Rankings
Top 35.19% on Repo1.maven.org
Extracted from project README
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