
Template to setup a Minecraft Multi Project environment for Forge/Fabric/Multiloader/Architectury

MIT License


Minecraft Multi Project Template

This project is a Template to manage multiple Minecraft Forge/Fabric Projects of ANY version

The Template contains examples for all supported major Minecraft Versions for Forge (1.12.2 - 1.20.1) using the latest ForgeGradle Version.

Getting Started

  • clone this repo
  • if needed, delete all modules from modules/ and the import statement from settings.gradle you don't need
  • uncomment the modules you need (the import of example_module is enabled by default)
  • open / import this project in IntelliJ IDEA (eclipse has not been tested and may cause issues!)
  • edit gradle.properties to your needs

Alternatively you can delete all modules from modules/ and start from scratch using the example_module, simply copy and rename it and change MODULE_NAME/settings.gradle to your needs (for <= 1.16.5 copy the version u want instead as buildscript is slightly different)

Additional info:

There is no need to touch mods.toml and pack.mcmeta as all attributes are defined in MODULE_NAME/gradle.properties unless required (Forge Data Generation task may fail if run manually because of pack.mcmeta, for it to run properly execute the genIntellijRuns and run the Data Generator using IntelliJ instead of the task)